Full Guide to Wild Fermented Sauerkraut for Gut Health
Wild Fermented Sauerkraut is the best food you can make or buy for maintaining a healthy balance of gut microbiome as well as helping to rebalance an impaired digestive system.
Respiratory illnesses are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. This year a large portion of global deaths from pneumonia will include the COVID-19, which is not likely the cause of death – just as Influenza, it’s the secondary infections that typically are the cause of death.
Not to dismiss those who’ve been directly affected by the coronavirus but the fact is that MOST of the scary numbers around COVID-19 are highly inflamed and blown out of proportions.
The other fact is that 99% of deaths are in those with preexisting autoimmune conditions where the body is not capable to fight off the infection.
Human biology is affected by seasonal changes. The lack of sunlight during the winter in many climates is the reason it’s called “cold and flu” season! We are exposed to numerous viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites all day every day. Many of those microorganisms are still unknown to scientists!
Your body gets infected from time to time and there a process that it needs to go through to heal. The process includes not so pleasant symptoms, but it is a process. It’s all good, as long as you lead a healthy lifestyle and evolve to be the best version of yourself.
"Whoever would study medicine must consider effects of the seasons of the year and the difference between them...and must study the warm and the cold winds common to every country."
Hippocrates 400BC
"When we separate ourselves from nature and destroy our diverse ecosystem, nature's system of checks and balances kicks in. We need to align ourselves with nature. It isn't viruses we should fear, but the human behavior that created the the biologic pressure for the mutation and the emerging immune system vulnerability of our global population we have collectively created. It is crucial we create universal adoption of regenerative agriculture and human health practises."
Dr.Zack Bush MD
For those of you who are really concerned about the virus, remember your #1 defense against them is not a vaccine, again, it is your immune system! And the #1 opponent of good immune function is stress.
"Every bite we take is either fighting disease or feeding it."
None of each of what is listed below is a panacea substance on its own that will correct an issue because just like other protocols and herbs it needs to be supported by a clean diet and healthy,
low-stress low-toxic environment and lifestyle!!
Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China.
So how does this work? Vitamin C boosts the immune system function through supporting proper energy metabolism and it is responsible for regulating the production and synthesis of cholesterol in the body which is crucial for the creation of the various steroids in the body, which in turn are essential of the proper production of the thyroid hormone! So, low Vitamin C equals hypothyroidism and impaired energy metabolism.
Another major mechanism of Vitamin C is is to oppose damaging effects of iron that accumulates in the body as we age and starting oxidize other nutrients and essential fats, destroying enzymes and inhibiting normal cell rejuvenation through oxidative stress which in turn is increasing vitamin C requirements creating a vicious cycle. Diet that is high in Iron rich foods will create Vitamin C and E deficiency on its own.
Do not take Vitamin C supplements though! Most supplements have much too high concentration and are pro-oxidant and farther attributes to oxidative stress and nutrient disbalances, nevermind the harmful additives and fillers that are in there.
Obtaining your Vitamin C through foods is safer, cheaper and a lot more effective!
Rosehips, Thyme, Dill, Saffron, Rosemary, Turmeric, Sage, Basil, Cayenne, Chervil, Parsley, Ginger, Turmeric, Herbal Gomasio.
Top of my list is the “Five-flavor berry” or Schisandra chinensis
Sea Buckthorn berries, Currant berries, Acerola (Malpighia glabra)
Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), Pomegranate, Citrus fruits, Apples, Kiwi, Blueberries, Cranberries, Strawberries, Figs, Persimmons, Pineapple, Papaya, Guava, Mango
Carrots, Cabbage, Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, beets and beet tops.
our first go to cough remedy and also great to give as an infection preventative in the winter months!
Wild Fermented Sauerkraut is the best food you can make or buy for maintaining a healthy balance of gut microbiome as well as helping to rebalance an impaired digestive system.
Zinc deficiency can contribute to a long list of health problems aside form immunodeficiency and a greater risk of a viral infection. Zinc has a direct effect on the functioning of the immune system and the body’s ability to resist and fight infections. There is a correlation between high prevalence of viral conditions (HIV, herpes, hepatitis…) and the human population with zinc deficiency (25%). Zinc can protect the body from a viral infections from many different mechanisms – zinc can inhibit the RNA replication of the viruses in the body, preventing it from spreading and infecting other cells. See THIS study.
Zinc is classified as interferon stimulated genes (ISGs). Interferon is a natural eradicator of pathogens that is produced by the liver.
See other scientific references below.
vitamin A helps strengthen and rebuild the cilia (hairy lining of the lungs). According to Buhner and other sources, COVID-19 specifically attacks and replicates within the cilia, destroying the cell’s abilities to move mucus up and out of the lungs! so this might be a good idea to add more vitamin A rich foods as a preventative.
Cilia protective herbs are: Cordyceps, Olive leaf, berberine plants and Bidens pilosa.
Vitamin A is present in our food in two forms: as provitamin A (carotene) and as the active vitamin A (retinol) in animal origin. Carotene is an orange-yellow pigment that is in green veggies that masked by the green chlorophyll. Carotene itself is not active in the body, it must go through a chemical process, before it become active which takes place in the wall of the small intestine. Depend of the type of food and the form it was eaten, we can change between 30-70 %. The liver stores the active vitamin A, enough to last us months, even years in the case we stop getting it through food.
What do we need it?
take Immunomodulating and supporting medicinal mushrooms that are ANTI-viral-microbial-bacterial-oxidant-cancerous-inflammatory effects that will be beneficial in protecting the body from viral and post-viral infections : Cordyceps, Reishi, Turkey tail, Agaricus blazei murrill, Maitake.
Thyroid function directly affects Immune system. Take 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha a day before bed. Another great herb that supports thyroid, adrenal, prostate and immune system is the ordinary, or should I say EXTRAordinary Stinging Nettle! all 3 parts of it – spring leaf, seeds and roots!
The liver is the most important organ in the body that creates natural defences and chemical reaction that we need to be healthy and armed against viral infections.
Extremely powerful antimicrobial herb!
Simply take one or two whole buds and keep them in your mouth.
They’re in the food we eat, the cleaning products we use, in the air we breathe, the clothes we wear in the objects we touch.
As consumers, we expect or perhaps assume that our everyday purchases were under every microscope in the lab so they are safe to use before they put on the shelves, right? I used to think so! Not anymore. A ton of independent research has shown that exposure to these toxic chemicals is linked to chronic disease, breast milk contamination, early onset-puberty, neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases to name a few…
There are 10 (with 31 zeros after it) viruses on every part and in every condition of the Earth!
A basic thing to understand about a virus, that even though it isn’t a living organism they are a very unique and intelligent life form. Viruses are like seeds constantly monitoring with their sensory organs the exterior world around them looking for a host cell to replicate. Much like seeds, viruses hibernate, they lay dormant in the environment or within us, until they get into contact with a cell they need. They are very good at surviving!
Viruses are a structural simplicity, strands of DNAs or RNAs and the difference is how they replicate. DNA structured viruses have this “copy-paste” mechanism that RNA viruses don’t, and that makes the latter very dangerous, because while the DNA viruses replicate billions of themselves, the RNA viruses make billions of similar but not identical versions of themselves, they can evolve based on the environment! They can sense the immune response and can alter themselves or alter the host immune defense itself in order to avoid it. They can rearrange and insert new genetic structures within themselves to remain invisible to the immune system, so it becomes the ancient struggle – which is in a better shape.
A virus is like an intracellular parasite, when the cell becomes toxic caused by stress, poor diet, environmental and food toxins and pollutants, radiation (EMF, 5G, WiFi). All that is causing the cell to secrete the waste and some of those waste particles are the viruses! So viruses are not the cause of the disease but the effect of celular disease.
You can’t “kill” a virus using antibacterial antibiotics.
You can clean the body off of toxins on a cellular level and you can let your immune system clear it out.
If viruses accumulate in the body, they infect other cells, causing inflammatory reactions through overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and create what called “cytokine storm” which leads to chronic inflammation and fibrosis.
So the real secret is to support your immune system.
During a healthy resolution of the infection, it helps if more fluid from the lungs is drained through lymphatic system preventing suffocation (shortness of breath, dry cough). Performing Dry Brushing and rebounding really helps here. If the lymph nodes do not function it can contribute to mortality that sometimes occurs during cytokine storm.
This is another good “how to” video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inMiPtNnQzQ
A revolutionary approach to improving your body’s oxygen use and increasing your health, improving your immune system, and sports performance. A technique used by Navy SEALs and professional athletes to help increase endurance, weight loss, and vital red blood cells to dramatically improve cardio fitness and overall health.
A workout by Dr. Zach Bush, Doctor of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Internal Medicine and Palliative Care.
What is nitric oxide?
Your body produces nitric oxide for ”vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation. Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.”
The Nitric Oxide Dump is a new version of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that is designed to stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which can catalyze and promote health.
Wash your hands with toxic-free soap and wipe surfaces in your home with water/vinegar solution often.
Infuse a regular white vinegar or ACV with pine needles, citrus peels or other herbs.
Garden, forest bathing, barefooting, all kinds of exposure to wild nature and it’s microbiome is extremely important to the health of our immune system.
Watch this new Dr. Zack Bush’s interview of the importance of it. This one is a “mast watch video.”
Cheaper way to get the Dr. Zack Bush’s ION*Gut HEALTH supplement is to subscribe for the 32 oz, two months delivery. You can change the subscription delivery dates at your convenience. We usually get it every 3-4 month and it cost $55.95.
Surgical masks are currently in short supply. They were worn 100 years ago during the great pandemic to try and stop the influenza virus spreading. Masks offer partial protection from infection they do not seal around the face, so they don’t filter out small airborne particles, but partial protection is better than non! Wear it! Even a home made one, even if it’s just a thick scarf around your face.
They can help much better if you spray your mask, scarf or just around your chest area with Essential Oil spray or Propolis extract!
I have been making this Flu Shield for my kids for the passed 3 years, to spray them before they go to school, and it worked great so far.
It’s easy to make at home by mixing some antiviral EO with water in a spray bottle. I use Goldenrod hydrosol that I distill myself and a combination of Thieves, Frankincense, Myrrh EO from Young Living + DDR Prime from DoTerra.
you can purchase a diffuser from Amazon or directly through the Young Living website.
Most economical way to obtain Young Living brand EO would be sign up as a distributor.
If you do decide become a member of YL, you can use my number as your sponsor to sign up:
2. These oils are known to be antivirals for Influenza, they will help reduce the coughing reflex, thin and help expectorate mucus, and improve airflow in the bronchial tract: Thieves, Purification, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, sage.
The Coronavirus, just like other viruses that tend to infect upper respiratory system (particularly your sinus cavity, because it’s the coldest and driest part of your body) is very unstable!
Yes, they can survive few weeks in cold and freezing conditions, but they die in high temperatures!! Based on this study, the Coronavirus starts to die at 56 degrees Celsius (133 Fahrenheit) in just 15 minutes!
Sit in a traditional steam sauna for 15-20 minutes and breath the hot moist air through your nose!
The traditional steam sauna is what russians call banya.
On a saturday night of very week growing up I’d spend sitting an hour in my grandmas outdoor cedar log sauna, with a wood burning stove. She would bring herbal infusions and pour it on the hot rocks creating steam. I thought it was torture back then, sitting there with my mom, grandma, aunts listening the gossip, actually now are some of the best memories I have from my past.
this was what my mom made me do when I was sick – cover yourself with a blanket above steaming pot of herbal tea!
This method requires being careful not to get burned by the hot steam, but it works the best and requires no special equipment!
You can use the tea you are currently making or make a pot with herbs like thyme, rosemary, citrus, cinnamon, clove buds and anise, lemongrass, lemon balm, chamomile, Japanese honeysuckle flowers (Lonicera japonica), Chinese skullcap, etc.
If you worried about getting infected don’t stay indoors!
There are countless research studies (see the references below) that prove antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and immune boosting effects of sunlight and fresh air! Sunlight is not only the source of vitamin D that is essential for our immune function, the sunlight actually activates respiratory enzymes in our mitochondria that are responsible for producing energy, which is absolutely crucial for a healthy immune, hormonal and endocrine function. Think about us as walking solar panels, without sun we can’t function.
Sunlight has antidepressant effect, it can suppress stress hormones like serotonin and cortisol which interfere with proper immune function.
Records from the 1918 pandemic suggest open air technique for dealing with influenza that was effective.
Open-Air Treatment in 1918 – During the great pandemic, two of the worst places to be were military barracks and troop-ships. Overcrowding and bad ventilation put soldiers and sailors at high risk of catching influenza and the other infections that often followed it. As with the current COVID-19 outbreak, most of the victims of the`Spanish flu’ did not die from influenza: they died of pneumonia and other complications.
Doctors who had first-hand experience of open-air therapy at the hospital in Boston were convinced the regimen was effective. It was adopted elsewhere. It reduced deaths among hospital patients from 40 % to about 13 %. According to the Surgeon General of the Massachusetts State Guard: “The efficacy of open air treatment has been absolutely proven, and one has only to try it to discover its value.”
Physical and physiological stress greatly impairs DNA immune response and suppress your immune function. It is clinically proven to increase your risk to viral infections, weakening your immune response to pathological microorganisms!
When we are under a lot of stress, we are constantly in the “flight or fight” mode and producing lots of adrenaline, which directly interferes with your liver’s ability to produce natural germ-killing antiviral substances.
Rather than stress yourself with the overdramatized situation on the media, arm yourself with the facts and the knowledge, because the stress is increasing your risk to get infected.
This study shows that consuming sea salt may help with immune function due to its ability to suppress adrenaline production.
Imagine you’re circling a crowded parking lot. Just as you spot a space, another driver races ahead and takes it. In a world of road rage, domestic violence, and professionally angry TV and radio commentators, your likely response is anger, even fury. Now imagine that instead of another driver, a cow has lumbered into that parking space and settled down. Your anger dissolves into amusement. What has changed? Not just the occupant of the space but your perspective on the situation.
You should never stop drinking herbal teas made with herbs that fall under the “nourishing” category! Some of the top and best ones are: Nettle, Rosehips, Horsetail, Dandelion, Red raspberry leaf, Narrow & Broad leaf Plantain, Milk thistle, Burdock, Calendula, Goldenrod, Bee Balm, Thyme. See my HERBS page for more information.
As an early-onset treatment when you starting having first flu symptoms in your throat a homeopathic remedy can be used – Oscillococcinum and an herbal tincture made with (fresh) Ginger root, Red root, Licorice and Goldenseal in equal parts 30 drops every hour. Plus use sauna, dry brushing, Epsom salt baths, jump on a trampoline, drink plenty of fluids and do it often with gargling and other supporting protocols listed above.
During a more progressing flu infection, fresh ginger juice mixed with water(1:2 ratio) lemon juice, cayenne and honey is very helpful (per S.Buhner), but it needs to be in large doses. 2-6 cups daily. Depends on the disease’s progress and the immune system health it can reverse the infection within few days, or in the worst case thin the mucus and slow down the viral spread.
Coronaviruses are positive-stranded RNA viruses. They have the largest genome of all RNA viruses, they are constantly producing new variants of themselves. There are a dozen of coronaviruses and only 4 were affecting humans. SARS was one of those and now COVID-19. Like SARS, COVID-19 affects the lungs, lymph system, mucous membranes, cilia and spleen. The best herbal antivirals against these viruses are Bidens pilosa, Japanese knotweed, Angelica, Astragalus, Baikal skullcap, Kudzu, Hawthorn, Red sage, Ginkgo biloba, Cordyceps, Boneset, Olive leaf, Rhodiola, Licorice, Propolis, Ginger and Coltsfoot,
Foods: citruc, asparagus, pomegranate, fermented veggies, greens, fruits and berries.
Other antiviral herbs:
Isatis, Ashitaba (angelica keiskei), Bush clover (Lespedeza bicolor), False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa), Shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet), Hutch & Dalziel (Erythrina addisoniae), Forsythia suspensa fruit, Yarrow, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Holy Basil, Lomatium, Osha, Cistus incanus, Lion’s mane, Magnolia bark, Nigella sativa, Peony root (Paeonia lactiflora), Japanese honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica)
When your immune system recognizes the invader it starts producing antibodies and begin to atac epithelial and endothelial cells increasing the distraction. Herbs like Japanese knotweed, Rhodiola, Astragalus, and Cordyceps help to reduce autoimmune response and protect endothelial cells.
Red root (Ceanothus spp.) is particularly beneficial during the infection when lymph drainage is most crucial. Butterfly Weed root (Asclepias tuberosa) is specific for reducing inflammation in lungs.
Usually flu viruses stay in the upper respiratory tract, but during severe infections lower tract will be infected, which causes pneumonia and cytokine cascade, which then become cytokine storm causing high death rate from acute respiratory distress and organ failure. Good herbal inhibitors are Chinese skullcap, Cordyceps. Licorice acts like a synergist and modulating agent.
During severe influenza viral infections, it is crucial to take Red sage root (salvia miltiorrhiza), Angelica root (Angelica sinensis) and Green tea.
Pomegranate constituents are antiviral, and is a very good synergist and anti-inflammatory.
It’s deadly important to protect spleen and lymph, cilia and mucous membrane structures and their functions. Red root, Elephant tree, Inmortal, Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), Bidens.
Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) (per S.Buhner) it is a broadly systematic plant, it modulates and enhances immune function and strongly protective of the body’s endothelial cells – especially in the brain. It is a very good cytokine modulator, helps reduce Herxheimer’s reaction and good cardioprotector. It is very powerful in restoring and protecting mucous membranes in your body. It crosses the BBB (blood brain barrier) and can act as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and protectant against oxidative and microbial damage of the neurons. The plant has been used in Asia for over 2000 years both as medicine and food. Based on scientific studies the plant is active against various influenza viruses, RSV, ECHO viruses, Staphylococcus, Lyme disease and confections, Streptococcus, E.coli, Proteus Vulgaris, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri, Vibrio vulnificus (it is a relative of the cholera organism, is one of the “flesh-eating” bacteria, Candida Albicans and more.
Properties: antibacterial, antiviral, antischistosomal, anti spirochetal, antifungal, immunomodulant, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, angiogenesis modulator, calcium channel adaptogen (modulates calcium channel signaling, rising it if it is depressed, decreasing it if it is too high) central nervous system relaxant, protectant and anti inflammatory, antioxidant, oncogene inhibitor, antipyretic, cardioprotective, analgesic, antiulcer (slightly reduces stomach acid and protects against stress ulcers) astringent.
I have made a tiny batch of this for my family and I’m selling extra in my shop.
This is the 2nd edition, published in 2013, where Buhner predicted what we are experiencing today. Stephen Harrod Buhner offers in-depth instructions on how to prepare and use herbal formulations to prevent and treat viral infections such as SARS, influenza, and encephalitis. These natural remedies will fight off disease and strengthen your immune system, keeping your family healthy and safe.
best cough remedy, which was passed down in my family for generations:
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Chinese magnolia vine originated in far eastern Russia, from the Vavilov Institute, in Vladivostok. it is a self-fertile climber that bears abundant crops of large fruits that resemble grape clusters, bright red berries that ripen from mid-August to mid-September. The highly nutritious fruits are rich in vitamin C, E, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, and may be eaten raw or dried, or stored and sweetened later for juice, extracts, preserves, infusions, or wines and cordials. The leaves may be used to make tea. Also called “five flavor berry”, the flavor is quite complex; a combination of salty, pungent, with a sweet outer shell, sour flesh, and bitter-tart seeds. Vigorous vining plants may be trained on a fence, arbor or pergola, and make a great privacy screen, and happily grows in partial and full shade.
In the Far East schisandra is one of the most popular herbal plants, along with ginseng. One plant can bear up to 20 lbs. of fruit.
"The invasive plants that we want to eradicate are usually the herbs that we need in order to heal! The plants are just trying to get our attention!"
Milla Ezman
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