
Milla Ezman

Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention

sun exposure to kill covid-19

Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention

Respiratory illnesses are one of the most common causes of death worldwide. This year a large portion of global deaths from pneumonia will include the COVID-19, which is not likely the cause of death – just as Influenza, it’s the secondary infections that typically are the cause of death. 

Not to dismiss those who’ve been directly affected by the coronavirus but the fact is that MOST of the scary numbers around COVID-19 are highly inflamed and blown out of proportions. 

The other fact is that 99% of deaths are in those with preexisting autoimmune conditions where the body is not capable to fight off the infection.

Human biology is affected by seasonal changes. The lack of sunlight during the winter in many climates is the reason it’s called “cold and flu” season! We are exposed to numerous viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites all day every day. Many of those microorganisms are still unknown to scientists! 

Your body gets infected from time to time and there a process that it needs to go through to heal. The process includes not so pleasant symptoms, but it is a process. It’s all good, as long as you lead a healthy lifestyle and evolve to be the best version of yourself. 


"Whoever would study medicine must consider effects of the seasons of the year and the difference between them...and must study the warm and the cold winds common to every country."

"When we separate ourselves from nature and destroy our diverse ecosystem, nature's system of checks and balances kicks in. We need to align ourselves with nature. It isn't viruses we should fear, but the human behavior that created the the biologic pressure for the mutation and the emerging immune system vulnerability of our global population we have collectively created. It is crucial we create universal adoption of regenerative agriculture and human health practises."

Reported COVID-19 symptoms include:

  • Fever (which may not be present in the very young or very old, or immunocompromised)
  • Uncomplicated upper respiratory symptoms (Cough, sore throat, nasal congestion, malaise, headache, muscle aches)
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Mild pneumonia
  • Severe pneumonia (the severe pneumonia caused by COVID-19 is now named severe acute respiratory infection (SARI))
  • Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
  • Sepsis and Septic shock.

For those of you who are really concerned about the virus, remember your #1 defense against them is not a vaccine, again, it is your immune system! And the #1 opponent of good immune function is stress. 


"Every bite we take is either fighting disease or feeding it."


  1. Clean diet! – avoid THESE foods and Ingredients, avoid all processed foods and beverages, synthetic chemicals and supplements.
  2. Eat 100% organic – COVID-19 epicenters directly correlated with most severe contaminated geo-areas of agricultural chemicals exposures.
  3. A diet of low fat, low protein, high fruit-veggies-leafy greens-berries and herbs.
  4. Probiotic! Eat home fermented veggies every day. For more info read my how-to article: “Full Guide to Wild Fermented Sauerkraut for Gut Health”
  5. Yoga. See my article “Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more…benefits of being upside-down”
  6. Clean your hands and sanitize your shoes upon entering your or anyone else’s home, as the virus can travel on both into your home.
  7. Live every moment and laugh every day!

None of each of what is listed below is a panacea substance on its own that will correct an issue because just like other protocols and herbs it needs to be supported by a clean diet and healthy,
low-stress low-toxic environment and lifestyle!!

vitamin C

Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China.

So how does this work? Vitamin C boosts the immune system function through supporting proper energy metabolism and it is responsible for regulating the production and synthesis of cholesterol in the body which is crucial for the creation of the various steroids in the body, which in turn are essential of the proper production of the thyroid hormone! So, low Vitamin C equals hypothyroidism and impaired energy metabolism. 

Another major mechanism of Vitamin C is is to oppose damaging effects of iron that accumulates in the body as we age and starting oxidize other nutrients and essential fats, destroying enzymes and inhibiting normal cell rejuvenation through oxidative stress which in turn is increasing vitamin C requirements creating a vicious cycle. Diet that is high in Iron rich foods will create Vitamin C and E deficiency on its own. 

Do not take Vitamin C supplements though! Most supplements have much too high concentration and are pro-oxidant and farther attributes to oxidative stress and nutrient disbalances, nevermind the harmful additives and fillers that are in there. 

Obtaining your Vitamin C through foods is safer, cheaper and a lot more effective! 

vitamin c rich foods for corona virus
truly organic garden

vitamin C rich foods and herbs:


Herbs and Spices:

Rosehips ThymeDill, Saffron, Rosemary, Turmeric, Sage, Basil, Cayenne, Chervil, Parsley, Ginger, Turmeric, Herbal Gomasio. 

Fruit and Berries: 

Top of my list is the “Five-flavor berry” or Schisandra chinensis

Sea Buckthorn berriesCurrant berries, Acerola (Malpighia glabra)
Amla (Phyllanthus emblica), Pomegranate, Citrus fruits, Apples, Kiwi, Blueberries, Cranberries, Strawberries, Figs,  Persimmons, Pineapple, Papaya, Guava, Mango

Veggies and leafy greens: 

Carrots, Cabbage, Asparagus, Brussels sprouts, Kale, Broccoli, Spinach, beets and beet tops.

Wild edibles:

  • Spruce tips are extraordinary rich source of Vitamin C!
  • Purslane (contains beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.)
  • Violet (Viola odorata) (flowers and leaves): high in vitamin C.
  • Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album): This ranks as one of the most nutritious sources of food. High is vitamin C and A, lots of iron and packed with protein.
  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): Rich with vitamin C, A, iron, calcium and much more.
  • Common mallow (Malva neglecta): Lots of vitamins C and A as well as selenium, iron, calcium and more.
  • Rose hips (Rosa rugosa): super High in vitamin C.
  • Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium): Loaded with vitamins A and C.
  • Wood sorrel (Oxalis spp.): The leaves are a great source of vitamin C (yet the flowers taste lemony.) high in oxalic acid

homemade vitamin C cough syrup

our first go to cough remedy and also great to give as an infection preventative in the winter months!

ZINC is antiviral!

Zinc deficiency can contribute to a long list of health problems aside form immunodeficiency and a greater risk of a viral infection. Zinc has a direct effect on the functioning of the immune system and the body’s ability to resist and fight infections. There is a correlation between high prevalence of viral conditions (HIV, herpes, hepatitis…) and the human population with zinc deficiency (25%). Zinc can protect the body from a viral infections from many different mechanisms – zinc can inhibit the RNA replication of the viruses in the body, preventing it from spreading and infecting other cells.  See THIS study. 

Zinc is classified as interferon stimulated genes (ISGs). Interferon is a natural eradicator of pathogens that is produced by the liver. 

See other scientific references below.

vitamin A

vitamin A helps strengthen and rebuild the cilia (hairy lining of the lungs). According to Buhner and other sources, COVID-19 specifically attacks and replicates within the cilia, destroying the cell’s abilities to move mucus up and out of the lungs!  so this might be a good idea to add more vitamin A rich foods as a preventative.

Cilia protective herbs are: Cordyceps, Olive leaf, berberine plants and Bidens pilosa.

Vitamin A is present in our food in two forms: as provitamin A (carotene) and as the active vitamin A (retinol) in animal origin. Carotene is an orange-yellow pigment that is in green veggies that masked by the green chlorophyll. Carotene itself is not active in the body, it must go through a chemical process, before it become active which takes place in the wall of the small intestine. Depend of the type of food and the form it was eaten, we can change between 30-70 %. The liver stores the active vitamin A, enough to last us months, even years in the case we stop getting it through food. 

What do we need it? 

  • skin, bones & teeth, 
  • mucus secretion by the cells lining respiratory, urinary and intestinal tracts. 
  • essential to maintain proper smell, hearing, taste and sight. 
  • adrenal and immune system’s heath.
Foods: deep yellow veggies -carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, winter squash, tomatoes, bell peppers. Dark greens – broccoli, chard, spinach, beet greens, collards, kale. Yellow fruit – persimmons, apricots, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, papaya, mangos. Herbs – basil, coriandr, parsley, thyme, chervil. Edible weeds – purslane, lamb’s quarters, dandelion leaves, chickweed. Animal sourced foods: fish, liver.


selenium has the ability to block the viruses from the point of entering the cell through attaching themselves with the spikes each virus has on the outside. Buy Organic Brazil Nuts (Raw, No Shell) HERE or HERE.

mushrooms for immune support 

take Immunomodulating and supporting medicinal mushrooms that are ANTI-viral-microbial-bacterial-oxidant-cancerous-inflammatory effects that will be beneficial in protecting the body from viral and post-viral infections : CordycepsReishiTurkey tailAgaricus blazei murrillMaitake

support your thyroid health. 

Thyroid function directly affects Immune system. Take 1 teaspoon of Ashwagandha a day before bed. Another great herb that supports thyroid, adrenal, prostate and immune system is the ordinary, or should I say EXTRAordinary Stinging Nettle! all 3 parts of it – spring leaf, seeds and roots! 

liver support! 

The liver is the most important organ in the body that creates natural defences and chemical reaction that we need to be healthy and armed against viral infections.

Pancreas and Liver healing Herbs

munch on whole clove buds! 

Extremely powerful antimicrobial herb! 

Simply take one or two whole buds and keep them in your mouth. 


They’re in the food we eat, the cleaning products we use, in the air we breathe, the clothes we wear in the objects we touch.

As consumers, we expect or perhaps assume that our everyday purchases were under every microscope in the lab so they are safe to use before they put on the shelves, right? I used to think so! Not anymore. A ton of independent research has shown that exposure to these toxic chemicals is linked to chronic disease, breast milk contamination, early onset-puberty, neurological disorders, cancer, diabetes and autoimmune diseases to name a few…

There are 10 (with 31 zeros after it) viruses on every part and in every condition of the Earth! 

A basic thing to understand about a virus, that even though it isn’t a living organism they are a very unique and intelligent life form. Viruses are like seeds constantly monitoring with their sensory organs the exterior world around them looking for a host cell to replicate. Much like seeds, viruses hibernate, they lay dormant in the environment or within us, until they get into contact with a cell they need. They are very good at surviving! 

Viruses are a structural simplicity, strands of  DNAs or RNAs and the difference is how they replicate. DNA structured viruses have this “copy-paste” mechanism that RNA viruses don’t, and that makes the latter very dangerous, because while the DNA viruses replicate billions of themselves, the RNA viruses make billions of similar but not identical versions of themselves, they can evolve based on the environment! They can sense the immune response and can alter themselves or alter the host immune defense itself in order to avoid it. They can rearrange and insert new genetic structures within themselves to remain invisible to the immune system, so it becomes the ancient struggle – which is in a better shape. 

A virus is like an intracellular parasite, when the cell becomes toxic caused by stress, poor diet, environmental and food toxins and pollutants, radiation (EMF, 5G, WiFi). All that is causing the cell to secrete the waste and some of those waste particles are the viruses! So viruses are not the cause of the disease but the effect of celular disease.

You can’t “kill” a virus using antibacterial antibiotics. 

You can clean the body off of toxins on a cellular level and you can let your immune system clear it out.  

If viruses accumulate in the body, they infect other cells, causing inflammatory reactions through overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and create what called “cytokine storm” which leads to chronic inflammation and fibrosis. 

So the real secret is to support your immune system. 

Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention
Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention
Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention

Lymphatic system support.

During a healthy resolution of the infection, it helps if more fluid from the lungs is drained through lymphatic system preventing suffocation (shortness of breath, dry cough). Performing Dry Brushing and rebounding really helps here. If the lymph nodes do not function it can contribute to mortality that sometimes occurs during cytokine storm.

This is another good “how to” video –

Dry Brushing Body Brush Set

breath right!
extremely important!

A revolutionary approach to improving your body’s oxygen use and increasing your health, improving your immune system, and sports performance.  A technique used by Navy SEALs and professional athletes to help increase endurance, weight loss, and vital red blood cells to dramatically improve cardio fitness and overall health. 

video from the author of the book:

(please, please, watch!)


The 4 Minute Workout – The Nitric Oxide Release.

A workout by Dr. Zach Bush, Doctor of Endocrinology, Metabolism, Internal Medicine and Palliative Care.
What is nitric oxide?
Your body produces nitric oxide for ”vasodilation, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase circulation. Nitric oxide production is essential for overall health because it allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to travel to every part of your body effectively and efficiently.”

The Nitric Oxide Dump is a new version of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that is designed to stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which can catalyze and promote health.



Wash your hands with toxic-free soap and wipe surfaces in your home with water/vinegar solution often.

Infuse a regular white vinegar or ACV with pine needles, citrus peels or other herbs.


microbial diversity!

Garden, forest bathing, barefooting, all kinds of exposure to wild nature and it’s microbiome is extremely important to the health of our immune system.

Watch this new Dr. Zack Bush’s interview of the importance of it. This one is a “mast watch video.”

Cheaper way to get the Dr. Zack Bush’s ION*Gut HEALTH supplement  is to subscribe for the 32 oz, two months delivery. You can change the subscription delivery dates at your convenience. We usually get it every 3-4 month and it cost $55.95.

do face masks help against coronavirus?

Surgical masks are currently in short supply. They were worn 100 years ago during the great pandemic to try and stop the influenza virus spreading. Masks offer partial protection from infection they do not seal around the face, so they don’t filter out small airborne particles, but partial protection is better than non! Wear it! Even a home made one, even if it’s just a thick scarf around your face.

They can help much better if you spray your mask, scarf or just around your chest area with Essential Oil spray or Propolis extract!

I have been making this Flu Shield for my kids for the passed 3 years, to spray them before they go to school, and it worked great so far.

It’s easy to make at home by mixing some antiviral EO with water in a spray bottle. I use Goldenrod hydrosol that I distill myself and a combination of Thieves, Frankincense, Myrrh EO from Young Living + DDR Prime from DoTerra. 

essential oils!


1. Diffuse high quality EO, such as Young Living or DoTerra brand

you can purchase a diffuser from Amazon or directly through the Young Living website.


Most economical way to obtain Young Living brand EO would be sign up as a distributor. 

If you do decide become a member of YL, you can use my number as your sponsor to sign up: 



2. These oils are known to be antivirals for Influenza, they will help reduce the coughing reflex, thin and help expectorate mucus, and improve airflow in the bronchial tract: Thieves, Purification, thyme, eucalyptus, rosemary, sage.

some of the best antiviral essential oils!

COVID-19 weaknesses

#1 weakness of the COVID-19 is HEAT! 

The Coronavirus, just like other viruses that tend to infect upper respiratory system (particularly your sinus cavity, because it’s the coldest and driest part of your body) is very unstable! 

Yes, they can survive few weeks in cold and freezing conditions, but they die in high temperatures!! Based on this study, the Coronavirus starts to die at 56 degrees Celsius (133 Fahrenheit) in just 15 minutes! 

3 ways to weaponize heat against coronavirus: 

1. Sauna!

Sit in a traditional steam sauna for 15-20 minutes and breath the hot moist air through your nose!

The traditional steam sauna is what russians call banya. 

On a saturday night of very week growing up I’d spend sitting an hour in my grandmas outdoor cedar log sauna, with a wood burning stove. She would bring herbal infusions and pour it on the hot rocks creating steam. I thought it was torture back then, sitting there with my mom, grandma, aunts listening the gossip, actually now are some of the best memories I have from my past.

3. Steam inhalation!

this was what my mom made me do when I was sick – cover yourself with a blanket above steaming pot of herbal tea! 

This method requires being careful not to get burned by the hot steam, but it works the best and requires no special equipment!

You can use the tea you are currently making or make a pot with herbs like thyme, rosemary, citrus, cinnamon, clove buds and anise, lemongrass, lemon balm, chamomile, Japanese honeysuckle flowers (Lonicera japonica), Chinese skullcap, etc. 

weakness #2 – Sunlight and fresh air!!

If you worried about getting infected don’t stay indoors!

There are countless research studies (see the references below) that prove antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial and immune boosting effects of sunlight and fresh air! Sunlight is not only the source of vitamin D that is essential for our immune function, the sunlight actually activates respiratory enzymes in our mitochondria that are responsible for producing energy, which is absolutely crucial for a healthy immune, hormonal and endocrine function. Think about us as walking solar panels, without sun we can’t function.

Sunlight has antidepressant effect, it can suppress stress hormones like serotonin and cortisol which interfere with proper immune function.

Records from the 1918 pandemic suggest open air technique for dealing with influenza that was effective.
Open-Air Treatment in 1918 – During the great pandemic, two of the worst places to be were military barracks and troop-ships. Overcrowding and bad ventilation put soldiers and sailors at high risk of catching influenza and the other infections that often followed it. As with the current COVID-19 outbreak, most of the victims of the`Spanish flu’ did not die from influenza: they died of pneumonia and other complications.
Doctors who had first-hand experience of open-air therapy at the hospital in Boston were convinced the regimen was effective. It was adopted elsewhere. It reduced deaths among hospital patients from 40 % to about 13 %. According to the Surgeon General of the Massachusetts State Guard: “The efficacy of open air treatment has been absolutely proven, and one has only to try it to discover its value.”

best treatment for covid-19

weakness # 3 – Zen 

Physical and physiological stress greatly impairs DNA immune response and suppress your immune function. It is clinically proven to increase your risk to viral infections, weakening your immune response to pathological microorganisms! 

When we are under a lot of stress, we are constantly in the “flight or fight” mode and producing lots of adrenaline, which directly interferes with your liver’s ability to produce natural germ-killing antiviral substances.

Rather than stress yourself with the overdramatized situation on the media, arm yourself with the facts and the knowledge, because the stress is increasing your risk to get infected. 

This study shows that consuming sea salt may help with immune function due to its ability to suppress adrenaline production.


I recommended this book:

The Cow in the Parking Lot: A Zen Approach to Overcoming Anger

Imagine you’re circling a crowded parking lot. Just as you spot a space, another driver races ahead and takes it. In a world of road rage, domestic violence, and professionally angry TV and radio commentators, your likely response is anger, even fury. Now imagine that instead of another driver, a cow has lumbered into that parking space and settled down. Your anger dissolves into amusement. What has changed? Not just the occupant of the space but your perspective on the situation.


You should never stop drinking herbal teas made with herbs that fall under the “nourishing” category! Some of the top and best ones are: Nettle, Rosehips, Horsetail, Dandelion, Red raspberry leaf, Narrow & Broad leaf Plantain, Milk thistle, Burdock, Calendula, Goldenrod, Bee Balm, Thyme. See my HERBS page for more information. 

As an early-onset treatment when you starting having first flu symptoms in your throat a homeopathic remedy can be used  – Oscillococcinum and an herbal tincture made with (fresh) Ginger root, Red root, Licorice and Goldenseal in equal parts 30 drops every hour. Plus use sauna, dry brushing, Epsom salt baths, jump on a trampoline, drink plenty of fluids and do it often with gargling and other supporting protocols listed above.

During a more progressing flu infection, fresh ginger juice mixed with water(1:2 ratio) lemon juice, cayenne and honey is very helpful (per S.Buhner), but it needs to be in large doses. 2-6 cups daily. Depends on the disease’s progress and the immune system health it can reverse the infection within few days, or in the worst case thin the mucus and slow down the viral spread.

Coronaviruses are positive-stranded RNA viruses. They have the largest genome of all RNA viruses, they are constantly producing new variants of themselves. There are a dozen of coronaviruses and only 4 were affecting humans. SARS was one of those and now COVID-19. Like SARS, COVID-19 affects the lungs, lymph system,  mucous membranes, cilia and spleen. The best herbal antivirals against these viruses are Bidens pilosa, Japanese knotweed, Angelica, Astragalus, Baikal skullcap, Kudzu, Hawthorn, Red sage, Ginkgo biloba, Cordyceps, Boneset, Olive leaf, Rhodiola, Licorice, Propolis, Ginger and Coltsfoot,

Foods: citruc, asparagus, pomegranate, fermented veggies, greens, fruits and berries.

Other antiviral herbs:

Isatis, Ashitaba (angelica keiskei), Bush clover (Lespedeza bicolor), False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa), Shell ginger (Alpinia zerumbet), Hutch & Dalziel (Erythrina addisoniae), Forsythia suspensa fruit, Yarrow, Eleutherococcus senticosus, Holy Basil, Lomatium, Osha, Cistus incanus, Lion’s mane, Magnolia bark, Nigella sativa, Peony root (Paeonia lactiflora), Japanese honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica)

When your immune system recognizes the invader it starts producing antibodies and begin to atac epithelial and endothelial cells increasing the distraction. Herbs like Japanese knotweed, Rhodiola, Astragalus, and Cordyceps help to reduce autoimmune response and protect endothelial cells. 

Red root (Ceanothus spp.) is particularly beneficial during the infection when lymph drainage is most crucial. Butterfly Weed root (Asclepias tuberosa) is specific for reducing inflammation in lungs. 

Usually flu viruses stay in the upper respiratory tract, but during severe infections lower tract will be infected, which causes pneumonia and cytokine cascade, which then become cytokine storm causing high death rate from acute respiratory distress and organ failure. Good herbal inhibitors are Chinese skullcap, Cordyceps. Licorice acts like a synergist and modulating agent.

During severe influenza viral infections, it is crucial to take Red sage root (salvia miltiorrhiza), Angelica root (Angelica sinensis) and Green tea.

Pomegranate constituents are antiviral, and is a very good synergist and anti-inflammatory.


It’s deadly important to protect spleen and lymph, cilia and mucous membrane structures and their functions. Red root, Elephant tree, Inmortal, Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa), Bidens.

Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) (per S.Buhner) it is a broadly systematic plant, it modulates and enhances immune function and strongly protective of the body’s endothelial cells – especially in the brain. It is a very good cytokine modulator, helps reduce Herxheimer’s reaction and good cardioprotector. It is very powerful in restoring and protecting mucous membranes in your body. It crosses the BBB (blood brain barrier) and can act as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and protectant against oxidative and microbial damage of the neurons.  The plant has been used in Asia for over 2000 years both as medicine and food. Based on scientific studies the plant is active against various influenza viruses, RSV, ECHO viruses, Staphylococcus, Lyme disease and confections, Streptococcus, E.coli, Proteus Vulgaris, Salmonella typhi, Shigella flexneri, Vibrio vulnificus (it is a relative of the cholera organism, is one of the “flesh-eating” bacteria, Candida Albicans and more.
Properties: antibacterial, antiviral, antischistosomal, anti spirochetal, antifungal, immunomodulant, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory, angiogenesis modulator, calcium channel adaptogen (modulates calcium channel signaling, rising it if it is depressed, decreasing it if it is too high) central nervous system relaxant, protectant and anti inflammatory, antioxidant, oncogene inhibitor, antipyretic, cardioprotective, analgesic, antiulcer (slightly reduces stomach acid and protects against stress ulcers) astringent.

I have made a tiny batch of this for my family and I’m selling extra in my shop.

I highly recommended this book:

This is the 2nd edition, published in 2013, where Buhner predicted what we are experiencing today. Stephen Harrod Buhner offers in-depth instructions on how to prepare and use herbal formulations to prevent and treat viral infections such as SARS, influenza, and encephalitis. These natural remedies will fight off disease and strengthen your immune system, keeping your family healthy and safe.

In case you do get a dry, persistent painful cough

best cough remedy, which was passed down in my family for generations:

see what's in my shop



Global Coronavirus COVID-19 tracker from Johns Hopkins

  • “The open-air treatment of pandemic influenza”. –
  • “The Influence of Simulated Sunlight on the Inactivation of Influenza Virus in Aerosols.” –
  • “The open-air factor and infection control” –
  • “Roles of sunlight and natural ventilation for controlling infection: historical and current perspectives.” –
  • “Vitamin D and Influenza-Prevention or Therapy?” –
  • “Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms: Application to Integrative Oncology” –
  • “The possible roles of solar ultraviolet-B radiation and vitamin D in reducing case-fatality rates from the 1918–1919 influenza pandemic in the United States” –
  • “β2-adrenergic signals downregulate the innate immune response and reduce host resistance to viral infection” –
  • “Effects of fear and adrenaline on blood flow from the thyroid vein in sheep with exteriorized thyroids” –
  • “The Role of Zinc in Antiviral Immunity” –
  • “Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture.” –
  • “Zinc for the Common Cold” -
  • “Zinc Salts Inactivate Clinical Isolates of Herpes Simplex Virus In Vitro” – 
  • “Zinc: A Potential Antiviral Against Hepatitis E Virus Infection?” –
  •  The Pharmacological Potential of Mushrooms” –
  • “A Review of Dietary Selenium Intake and Selenium Status in Europe and the Middle East” –
  • “Coronavirus: Iceland’s mass testing finds half of carriers show no symptoms” –
  • “In the Grip of Disease” –  

yours truly, Milla Ezman


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"Five-flavor berry" or Schisandra chinensis

Coronavirus COVID-19 protocols, foods and herbs for natural treatment and prevention

Chinese magnolia vine originated in far eastern Russia, from the Vavilov Institute, in Vladivostok. it is a self-fertile climber that bears abundant crops of large fruits that resemble grape clusters, bright red berries that ripen from mid-August to mid-September. The highly nutritious fruits are rich in vitamin C, E, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, and may be eaten raw or dried, or stored and sweetened later for juice, extracts, preserves, infusions, or wines and cordials. The leaves may be used to make tea. Also called “five flavor berry”, the flavor is quite complex; a combination of salty, pungent, with a sweet outer shell, sour flesh, and bitter-tart seeds. Vigorous vining plants may be trained on a fence, arbor or pergola, and make a great privacy screen, and happily grows in partial and full shade. 

In the Far East schisandra is one of the most popular herbal plants, along with ginseng. One plant can bear up to 20 lbs. of fruit.

"The invasive plants that we want to eradicate are usually the herbs that we need in order to heal! The plants are just trying to get our attention!"

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Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more…

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more...

benefits of being upside down

Funny how things work in life… First time I heard about inversions was in a TV show “Sherlock Holmes”, in one of the episodes he hangs upside down to boost his mental abilities 😉
In search, if this was true I found out that by purposely going upside down and reversing the pull of gravity on the body can benefit lymphatic, circulatory, digestive, immune and endocrine systems, relieve back pain, depression, and arthritis aches, improving muscle strength and heart health, skin and hair appearance and even creativity!

“The goal behind inversion is to reverse the effects of gravity. Gravitational forces are hard on the body and when you reverse gravity, you relieve incredible amounts of pressure and disrupt your normal rhythms, which brings benefits you cannot get with any other exercise.”

In absence of gravity: “Gravity has a profound effect on the physiological processes of the human body. As NASA discovered, once humans enter zero gravity, we are subject to severe biomedical problems. Our sense of balance, determined by the vestibular system of the inner ear and calibrated to minute fluid movements, is destroyed. Blood, no longer weighted in the lower torso and legs, floods upwards and the heart speeds up, provoking dehydration and eventually anemia. Muscles atrophy and bone mass drops precipitously.”[1]

Let's look more closely on the benefits of Inversions

Circulatory system – “venous return”

In a 1992 Yoga International article on Headstand and the circulatory system, Coulter wrote:

“If you can remain in an inverted posture for just 3 to 5 minutes, the blood will not only drain quickly to the heart, but tissue fluids will flow more efficiently into the veins and lymph channels of the lower extremities and of the abdominal and pelvic organs, facilitating a healthier exchange of nutrients and wastes between cells and capillaries.”

The circulatory system is comprised of the heart, the lungs, and the entire system of vessels that feed oxygen and collect waste from the cells.
Veins return blood to the heart, and, unlike arteries, have a low-pressure system which depends on muscular movement or gravity to move blood along. One-way valves at regular intervals keep fluids moving towards the heart in a system known as “venous return.”

You have to run really hard – get the heart pumping, to circulate blood down to the feet and up the back. 

Inversions are a way to get the benefits to the circulatory system without working out too much. This particularly helpful as you get older or can’t exercises for some other reason.


Inversions allow the stool from the ileocecal valve through the colon to move with the force of gravity. The pressing of the stool against the intestinal walls also encourages movement and the pressure on the walls of the digestive tract stimulates a stronger muscle movements in your digestive tract.
The reverse pull of gravity helps your digestive organs by moving old waste out of the system due to the different pressure as well as help to release any trapped gas, loosens any stagnant blood or toxins.
More here: “Listen to the Gut – Yoga of Digestion and Indigestion”

Endocrine System

“The body’s glandular system of hormone delivery, has been endorsed, but the least understood: Inversions are widely recommended for menopausal and perimenopausal women because it is assumed that it stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid glands, which secrete hormones that regulate one’s metabolism. This has not been clinically proven, but logically thought that inverting places these glands, located in the upper chest, in a “general bath of blood,” thus increasing their efficiency”. Read more here: “Endocrine system (hormones) and inversions”

Lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system is responsible for transporting stray proteins, waste removal, immune system responses, balancing fluids, filtering them back through the lymph nodes and dumping what remains into the circulatory system at the subclavian veins, under the collarbones.

Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system has no pump, it’s entirely dependant on muscular contractions and gravity to facilitate its return.

Inverting the body so that gravity works with, rather than against, these one-way valves help pushing the lactic fluid up to the chest to stimulate lymphatic cleansing and drainage which clears toxins from the tissues and plays a vital role in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the immune system and overall detox.

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more...

Focus, balance, and brain function.

Our heart works hard against gravity to pump blood up to our brain, which uses 25% of the body’s oxygen, while it is only 3% of the body’s total weight!

Win Wenger, in “How to Increase Your Intelligence”, noted that “only those brain cells which are close to an ample capillary blood supply are thoroughly developed. Away from such source of supply, brain cells remain undeveloped and useless.” 

Wenger recommends “upside down activities” to increase oxygen supply to the brain. He states, “In short, you can much improve the physical state of your entire brain.” A brain that is better nourished simply works better.
When the brain lacks a sufficient supply of blood, the body becomes slow and sluggish because increased blood flow nourishes brain cells with more oxygen resulting in improved concentration, memory and awareness. Balancing upside down takes a level of focus, so every time you practice headstand, you’re also exercising your ability to clear the mental clutter and concentrate on the now. Inversions results not only in mental invigoration but physical revitalization as well.

To learn about a simple yet revolutionary approach to breath right get this book:

I constantly listening to this in my car and practicing while driving. This book is amazing!

by Patrick McKeown



“Inversions also ensure healthier and more effective lung tissue. When standing or sitting upright, gravity pulls our fluids earthward, and blood “perfuses” or saturates the lower lungs more thoroughly. The lower lung tissue is thus more compressed than the upper lungs. As a result, the air we inhale moves naturally into the open alveoli of the upper lungs. Unless we take a good, deep breath, we do not raise the ratio of air to blood in the lower lungs. When we invert, blood perfuses the well-ventilated upper lobes of the lungs, thus ensuring more efficient oxygen-to-blood exchange and healthier lung tissue.” – Pat Layton, physiology teacher for the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco.


Relief Of Excess Fluid Buildup In The Legs
Reversing the effect of gravity for 10-15 minutes can be very relieving if you struggle with excess fluid retention in your legs. “Legs Up the Wall” is an amazing posture if this is something that you deal with.

Reduce Varicose Vein Pain
Taking the pressure off of your legs by sending them up into the air can be highly therapeutic if you deal with leg pain. Again, “Legs Up the Wall” along with using tools linked below which are great choices for this.

Inversion  for Spine Realignment

Everyday activities involve at least some form of compression, which take toll on the spine, discs, and back muscles, 

One-sided activities that involve rotation of the spine for long periods of time pull the spine out of alignment (golf, water skiing, tennis, bowling).

Other physical activities that tend to create tension in the muscles due to movement of the major muscle groups for long periods of time create a load of lower back strain (skating, swimming, bicycling).

These activities inevitably creating skeletal misalignments. Usually they are normal and will correct themselves if given the right opportunity, such as regular chiropractic visits or  inversions after physical activities may help to realign the spine.

Creates Connection to the Crown Chakra

“Headstands in particular create a physical connection to the seventh chakra (also known as the “Crown Chakra”), which is located above the crown of the head. This chakra represents a connection to our Highest Self, the Universe and the Divine. A balanced Third Chakra is demonstrated by feelings of pure bliss that allow you to be confident and live with an attitude of abundance and gratitude.”[3]

Inversions for Insomnia

Inversions stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which produces feelings of relaxation and calmness.

Just before bed, perform the “Legs up the Wall” pose (Viparita Karani) – video linked below. 

Close your eyes and maybe put an eye pillow or a mask on as a way of transitioning into a restful state. Slow your breathing, focusing on long smooth exhales. (this is where you will most benefit from the “Oxygen advantage” book I linked above.)

Stay in the inversion for 5-10 minutes. Get up very slowly and carefully and sit for a few moments before going into bed.

Caution: Other inversions, such as headstand, handstand, and forearm balance, can wake you up, so stay away from those in the evening!

Inversion for Back Pain

“Inversion therapy, through the use of a back inversion table, elongates the spine, increasing the space between the vertebrae, which relieves the pressure on discs, ligaments and nerve roots. Less pressure means back pain relief.
When you are sleeping, which is a “non-weight bearing activity”, your discs (or “intravertebral sponges”) expand as they soak up fluid and nutrients and increase the length of your spine by as much as 3/4″. But you don’t gain the full height back, accumulating to a total of 1/2″ to 2″ in height throughout your lifetime.

Using an inversion table is another “non-weight bearing activity” that will provide benefits and back pain relief. As you relax, your spine begins to stretch. The space between each vertebra will increase, thus decreasing the pressure on the discs between each vertebra. This encourages fluid movement back into the disc, helping to keep your discs plump and happy and decreasing the pain in your back.”[2]

Inversions for strengthening your Core Muscles:

“You’re engaging your core muscles quite a bit when you’re upside down (especially in hand/head stands). The muscles used to balance reach from your fingers to toes, but you’ll especially feel it in your core. Inversions are also an awesome way to combat tech-fatigue. “[3]

Inversion for Stress.

“Stress and tension can cause muscle spasms in the back, neck and shoulders, as well as headaches and other problems.
A study conducted by physiotherapist LJ Nose found that EMG activity (a measure of muscle tension) declined over 35% within ten seconds of inverting. Inversion, therefore, is helpful in relieving tension and pain in your muscles that may have been caused by stress.

In fact, for centuries, yoga practitioners have recognized the concept of turning the body upside down to find relaxation. The head stand position is a form of “postural exchange” (reversing the direction of gravity) and is a form of inversion therapy.”[2]
Many people report feeling happier, and overall “lighter” after practicing an inversion. Physically, going upside down flushes blood to your pituitary gland, which releases “feel-good” hormones, causes major shifts in your emotions for the happier you!

Inversions for younger looking glowing skin

Reversing gravity flushes fresh nutrients and oxygen to the face, stimulates the facial capillaries and hair follicles of the scalp, and helps remove visual signs of toxicity (including acne), giving your skin a natural “face lift” and healthy glow.
In addition, some claim that hair will be healthier, and may even grow again, if the scalp is well supplied with blood.

ways to invert (poses)
pros & cons

Inversions are not for everyone.

As yoga classes got popular, people are enthusiastically practicing Headstand and Shoulderstand without props, and for fairly long periods (10 minutes plus).

Unfortunately yoga students across the nation are showing up in chiropractors and medical professionals offices with compression of the upper spine and impaired mobility in the neck, presumably from the practice of inversions.

In our competitive and achievement scoring generation, some students are throwing themselves into inversions too soon.

How, then, do we approach inversions, poses that are said to be invaluable and that possess extraordinary physiological benefits?

Long Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) poses are the most known yoga inversions poses, but can pose a danger if not done correctly.

Headstand (Long Sirsasana)

Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani)

Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani)


Long Sirsasana (Headstand) and Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand) poses could result in chronic pain or impaired mobility in your neck from cervical degeneration.

Headstand and Shoulderstand place tremendous compressive force on the upper spine, which, for those who are vulnerable, can cause nerve irritation and compression to the brachial plexus, as well as “general thoracic outlet syndrome,” which may compromise blood circulation and manifest as numbness in the arms and hands.

So if you start experiencing neck pain, red eyes or other unpleasant symptoms, chances are you are inverting too long or putting too much stress on your upper spine. To avoid this use a yoga hammock or an inversion table (see the links bellow).

This is what my kids like doing at our park and at home:

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more...
Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more

Swing, Antigravity, Inversion Exercises, Improved Flexibility & Core Strength – Extension Straps, Carabiners Pose Guide Included. There is a YouTube video on how to use this thing. 

Yoga Inversion Chair will Safely build core strength and practice your inversions, this will relieve a lot of neck tension, also will solve the problems of headstands and shoulder stands in yoga practice.

Like all things in life, the suggestion to get upside-down should not be universally prescribed. There are certain contraindications that should be observed so as not to cause or exacerbate previous injuries or illnesses: unmedicated high blood pressure, some heart conditions, neck injuries, recent stroke, detached retina, glaucoma and epilepsy are common issues that should be addressed before inverting.

 I appreciate your Comments, Shares, and Reviews.

yours truly, Milla Ezman


[2] The Benefits of Inversion Therapy –


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Herbal Multivitamin Drink Mix
Herbal Tea/Decoction for Flu, Cough and Congestion (recipe)
butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron
Cucumber with Herbs hummus recipe

Inversions for detox, immune system, brain, stress and more… Read More »

angel food cake recipe from scratch gluten and dairy free

Angel Food cake with Calendula (gluten-dairy-FREE) from scratch (Pumpkin version)

Angel Food cake with Calendula (gluten-dairy-FREE) from scratch (Pumpkin version)

What can be better than herbs baked in a dessert!? A dessert that is actually not bad for you, even if you have health issues!

This is a basic recipe that is easily modified into any flavor! I’ve tried it with cacao powder, freeze-dried raspberries, strawberries and blueberries (see the links below), rosehips, cordyceps, ashwagandha, rosemary, lavender, bee and pine pollen and turmeric. Next herb to try – hibiscus! 

Always use Herbs in your
Cooking and Baking!

Here is calendula pulsed with granulated cane sugar: I took 1/2 cup of dried calendula petals, once they are ground they compress to about a tablespoon or two of ground calendula petals. You will want to add less for rosemary and lavender because both are very potent and would overpower the cake’s flavor. 

Angel Food cake with Calendula (gluten-dairy-FREE) from scratch (Pumpkin version)

scroll down to see the tools and products I used in this recipe. For more clean products see My PANTRY.

Angel Food cake (gluten-dairy-FREE) from scratch (with Pumpkin version) with Calendula
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
40 mins
Resting time
3 hrs
Total Time
3 hrs 55 mins

Fluffy and delicious, REID safe, GFCF Angel Food cake for any occasion!

Course: Dessert
Author: Milla Ezman
  • 1 1/2 cups egg whites from about 11 large eggs
  • 1 cup cassava flour
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar (I grind it in my blender to make powdered sugar out of regular, cane, maple or coconut sugar)
  • 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons granulated cane or maple sugar
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 Tbsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup dried calendula petals (about a Tbsp when ground)
for Pumpkin Angel Food cake version
  • 1 Tbsp cassava flour
  • 2 tsp pumpkin spice
  • 3/4 cap canned pumpkin or cooked pumpkin puree
  1. Separate the egg whites and let them sit at room temperature for about half an hour.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350. In a bowl sift and combine the flour, vanilla (if using dry, ground kind) and powdered sugar together. Set aside.

  3. Grind the granulated sugar and calendula petals slightly, about 5-7 pulses. No need to turn it into powdered sugar, just a little finer than it is normally. Set aside.

  4. Beat the egg whites on high until starting to foam then add the salt and the vanilla (if using liquid vanilla) and continue whipping at high speed.

  5. Add the granulated sugar slowly, about 1 Tbsp at a time to the egg whites while they are whipping. Continue whipping until stiff peaks form.

  6. Slowly fold in the dry ingredients 1/3 at a time with a spatula. (fold in the extra ingredients for Pumpkin version in this step). Do this carefully and slowly, for you don't want to deflate the egg whites. (very important!)

  7. Pour the batter into an ungreased* 10-inch round pan.

  8. Bake at 350 for about 35-40 minutes until lightly golden. Take it out of the oven and IMMEDIATELY invert pan onto a cooling rack or a jar, so it will cool upside down(very important step, otherwise it will deflate)

  9. Cool completely for 3 hours, then run a knife along the edges of the pan and carefully plate the cake. Enjoy!

angel food cake recipe from scratch gluten and dairy free

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Korean Carrot Salad

Korean carrot salad is more Russian than Korean, was invented by Korean Immigrants in Eastern Russia when they couldn’t find the Napa cabbage for their Kim-chi, so they substitute for carrots. The salad was sold by the immigrants on farmers markets and became loved and famous!

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Cuisinart DFP-14BCNY 14-Cup Food Processor, Brushed Stainless Steel

very powerful and very quiet! I was surprised how quiet it is after using a Black & Decker one, which was so loud! 

KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer 5-Quart

NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender with miller attachment to grind herbs, even roots!

I process the sugar with calendula in it, few seconds and it’s ready. Easy to store in spare extra cups with lids that come with it. 

Sea Salt French Celtic

Freeze Dry Raspberry

you can use any of this kind of dried fruit and berries to add extra flavor to your cake. It grounds in a very fine powder in my Nutribullet and easily mixed in with the dry ingredients. 

Organic Cassava Flour, 2 Lbs

Coombs Family Farms Organic Pure Maple Sugar

Organic Ground Vanilla Madagascar Bourbon

Simply Organic Pumpkin spice

Always try to avoid “POWDERED” herbs and spices. Look for “GROUND” and always Organic! this one doesn’t say if its ground or powdered, but it looks ground, so i chose it, but you can always mix your own!

yours truly, Milla Ezman

Angel Food cake with Calendula (gluten-dairy-FREE) from scratch (Pumpkin version) Read More »

butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron

Butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron.

butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron

Butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron.

My Mom used to make this for breakfast in the fall when our pumpkins where ready to harvest. I tweaked it just a little to make it healthier, gluten and dairy-free. 

As you may know, I use herbs everywhere, so for this one I chose ground astragalus and saffron. Can I just say “YAM!”

about Saffron

First cultivated in the Mediterranean region, saffron is, by weight, the most expensive spice in the world, with 1 pound (450 grams) costing between 500 and 5,000 U.S. dollars

It originated in Greece, where it was revered for its medicinal properties. People would eat saffron to enhance libido, boost mood, and improve memory

It comes from the saffron crocus, Crocus sativus. Considering the price of this spice, you might be surprised to discover how easy it is to grow.
Once planted, you won’t see anything sprout from the bulbs until late fall.
When the flower comes into bloom in the autumn, the elongated, orangish-red stigmas are plucked from the flower. The flowers are small, and the stigmas are like little orange threads, making harvesting large quantities of this spice quite time-consuming (hence, its hefty price).
Spread the harvested stigmas on a cookie sheet to dry in a warm room until they easily crumble.
Each bulb produces one flower and each flower produces three stigmas.

As a dietary supplement, people can safely take up to 1.5 grams of saffron per day. However, only 30 mg of saffron per day have been shown to be enough to reap its health benefits.

On the other hand, high doses of 5 grams or more can have toxic effects. Pregnant women should avoid high dose.

Butternut squash rice with astragalus and saffron

Healthy, comforting, easy and fast breakfast made with healthy butternut squash, basmati rice, and herbs (astragalus and saffron) your family will love!

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 2 large Organic Butternut squashes or 3 small ones.
  • 2 cups Basmati rice rinsed. You can use brown rice too.
  • 1/4 cup Maple syrup (optional)
  • 1 Tbsp Astragalus root ground
  • 2 tsp Celtic sea salt
  • a nice pinch of Saffron
  • 4 cups Water
  1. peel the butternut squash and cut it into cubes. Lay on the bottom of the Pressure cooker. Or you can roast the squash with the skin on in the oven first, precook the rice, then mix it all together if it's easier.

  2. Rinse the rice and pour over the squash. add the rest of the ingredients.

  3. set your InstaPot for pressure cooking on low for 8 minutes if using wite Basmati rice and 22 minutes if Brown.

  4. Vent when done. Serve warm or cold. Enjoy!

Recipe Notes

This recipe is very versatile! you can use any sweet pumpkin or squash in it (except summer squash maybe). You can substitute the rice for quinoa or millet. I haven't tried it with buckwheat, but I don't see why not!

You can substitute astragalus or add to it, herbs like ashwagandha, nettle root, and medicinal mushrooms.

You can substitute your sweetener or omit it. You can serve it hot or cold and top it with anything you like - fresh or dried fruit and berries, nuts and seeds, granola, coconut shavings, and herbs.

It also freezes very well, so it can be a time saver.

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Instant Pot DUO80 8 Qt 7-in-1

Organic Saffron threads

yours truly, Milla Ezman

Butternut squash risotto with astragalus and saffron. Read More »

Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe

Rosehips & Elderberry Applesauce recipe

Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe

Rosehips & Elderberry applesauce recipe

How can I make a healthy, no sugar added applesauce recipe even better? By adding Herbs & Spices to it!

Always use Herbs in your Cooking and Baking!

I do not peel the apples! Peeling the apples is time consuming and strips your applesauce of valuable fiber, pectin, minerals and vitamins! Don’t worry, it will still be as smooth as silk, you just need to blend it. 

I planted an orchard when we moved to this house, where we plan to spend the rest of our lives. If you have any space to plant a tree on your yard, you should do it! Nothing is better than your own fruits from your own trees!


Why organic store bought apples are not good enough?

When an apple is ripened on the tree, it develops the correct chemistry balance of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, micronutrients and microorganisms to be digested properly, as intended by design. 
Commercial produce companies picking when they’re underripe to minimize damage during shipping, then gassing them with ethylene to help them ripen as they’re brought to market (organic fruit gets gassed too). They don’t exactly know how ethylene works in the nature in ripening process. One thing they do know is that once ethylene reaches a certain concentration in a fruit, the cells switch from expelling oxygen (a byproduct of photosynthesis) to expelling carbon dioxide. This switch in “breathing” means that a fruit is quickly approaching peak ripeness.
This is why your home grown, bruised, infested with worms apples are way better for our health than any organic imported ones. 

Rosehips (Rosa spp.) – Rose Hips are the dried fruit of roses that contain very high levels of bioavailable vitamin C, and are full of properties that help to support healthy circulation and a strong immune system. 

Elderberry (Sambucus nigra) Famous immune system stimulator, which for people with overactive immune system can be quite dangerous. For this reason we have not been using it much. I dried some elderberry flowers this spring and Infused honey with it, as the blooms are not as powerful but yet are very very beneficial.
As we are improving our immune system’s health each year, we are no longer in danger of it causing us problems, only the benefits.

I also strongly believe that elderberry should be consumed in small doses (like in the Rosehip & Elderberry applesauce recipe) as a preventative measure, before you get sick, not during, when your immune system is activated by a virus or a bacterial infection. 


Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe
Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe
Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe
Rosehips and Elderberry applesauce recipe
Overnight Oats with home made maple syrup, pumpkin seeds and the Rosehips & Elderberry applesauce for breakfast.
Rosehips & Elderberry applesauce

Applesauce with herbs and spices gives more health benefits to the all-loved healthy dessert!

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 6 lbs Organic ripe apples, skin on, cored and quartered
  • 3 cups of Water
  • 1 cup Organic dried Rosehips seedless
  • 1/2 cup Organic Elderberries fresh or dried
  • 1 tsp Organic Ground Cloves
  • 1 tsp Organic Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp Celtic Sea salt
  1. Wash, core and slice apples into chunks, making sure to cut out any bad spots.  You can use an apple wedger.

  2. Put the slices or quartered apples into a large stainless still stockpot. Add half of the water, put the lid on and cook the apples on medium heat until they are soft, about 30-40 minutes.

    for Instapot: Close lid on pressure cooker and seal vent knob. Cook on high pressure for 12 minutes. Once cook time has elapsed, do a quick release of pressure.

  3. while the apples are cooking, put the rest of the water into a small saucepot, add rosehips, elderberries, clove, cinnamon, and salt. Simmer it for 30-40 min.

  4. Once the apples are soft, blend them in a high speed blender with the rosehips-elderberries mixture in batches. return to the stockpot.

  5. At this point, you can adjust the taste while simmering on low for a few minutes to incorporate the flavors and then can it. For canning, follow any regular canning applesauce recipe online. It's pretty simple.

    If you're not a canner, store some in your fridge and freeze the rest.

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Instant Pot DUO Plus 8 Qt 9-in-1

Blendtec Classic 575 Blender

Apple Corer Slicer+Orange peeler

Simply Organic Turmeric Root Ground Certified Organic

Always try to avoid “POWDERED” herbs and spices. Look for “GROUND” and always Organic!

McCormick Gourmet Organic Ground Cloves

Celtic Sea Salt Fine Ground

yours truly, Milla Ezman


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Korean Carrot Salad

Korean carrot salad is more Russian than Korean, was invented by Korean Immigrants in Eastern Russia when they couldn’t find the Napa cabbage for their Kim-chi, so they substitute for carrots. The salad was sold by the immigrants on farmers markets and became loved and famous!

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Rosehips & Elderberry Applesauce recipe Read More »

Cucumber with Herbs hummus recipe

Cucumber & Herbs Hummus recipe

Cucumber & Herbs Hummus recipe

A chickpea or garbanzo bean both refer to a plant in the legume category with the scientific name Cicer arietinum.
Because chickpeas have been eaten in the Middle East for almost 10,000 years, they’ve shared different names across many cultures. Garbanzo happens to be the Spanish term while chickpea is the common English term.

Smooth or Gritty?

The secret to really smooth hummus is to peel off the skin of the garbanzo beans. But I always used my nutribullet to make it and the hummus can be as smooth as you want it to be using it. 

Cucumber with Herbs hummus recipe

Cucumber & Herbs HUMMUS Recipe:

Cucumber and Herbs HUMMUS

Fresh, nutritious and delicious dip for your veggies!

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 1 cup cooked Chickpeas
  • 1/2 large English Cucumber
  • 1/2 Avocado
  • 1/4 cup fresh Chives chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh Dill Weed chopped
  • 1/4 peeled Lemon (seeds removed)
  • 1 slice of Lemon with the peel on
  • 1 Tbsp dried Nettle leaf
  • 1-3 cloves of Garlic
  • 1 tsp Herbal Gomasio (optional)
  • 1/2-1 tsp Celtic Sea Salt
  • 2-3 strings of fresh Thyme (optional)
  • fresh Rosemary to taste (optional)
  1. Combine all the ingredients in a food processor or a blender and process until smooth. Add more lime juice and salt, if desired. May make ahead and refrigerate overnight before serving.

  2. Enjoy with veggies!

Recipe Notes

Herbal Gomasio is optional, so if you don't have it, you can add any other herbs and spices to your taste.

Glyphosate in Organic Chickpea

There has been questions about chickpea, if it’s possible to get clean ones if one buys organic.

There are opinions, speculations and observations from a handful of samples that were tested by CFIA to allow a partial glimpse on the topic.

The test results are not very promising for North American residents. They tested organic and conventional chickpeas from US and Europe. Apparently the conventional chickpeas from Europe contains 10 times less glyphosate than the organically grown from the US! 

So if you live in the states and are lucky to buy chickpeas from Europe, whether they are organic or not, they’ll be clean, But if you purchasing organically grown in USA, there is always a chance you will be exposed to glyphosate.

For that reason and because our diet is generally very low on legumes I do not make this Cucumber and Herbs Hummus often.

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NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender with miller attachment to grind herbs, even roots!

not sure what I would do without this blender! bought this 4 years ago and its been used at least once a day, but most days multiple times. It’s SO easy to clean and use! If it breaks, I will buy another just like this one! Hope they won’t discontinue! 

yours truly, Milla Ezman

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Korean Carrot Salad

Korean carrot salad is more Russian than Korean, was invented by Korean Immigrants in Eastern Russia when they couldn’t find the Napa cabbage for their Kim-chi, so they substitute for carrots. The salad was sold by the immigrants on farmers markets and became loved and famous!

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Cucumber & Herbs Hummus recipe Read More »

Herbal BREAD recipe GFCFSF

Herbal BREAD recipe. Paleo GFCFSF

Herbal BREAD recipe GFCFSF

Herbal BREAD recipe GFCFSF

Always use Herbs in your Cooking and Baking!

I use herbs everywhere, it has become a habit. I add many different ones that fall under nourishing and tonifying category, straight to our foods.
Nourishing plants always build health. Their effects are slower, weaker, but by definition, they can’t kill nor harm. Nourishing herbs are powerhouses of protein, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals that counter diseases, support vitality and prolong life.
When you add herbs into your blender for smoothies or while making pancake batter, it’s fine to add them in their dried whole form. But when you add herbs to soups, salads, stir fry, casseroles, omelets, apple sauce, stews, etc, it’s much more palatable to grind them first. So, to save time, I grind and mix herbs into blends and store them in glass containers. 

The red mix on the picture below contains: rosehips, cedar berries (Juniperus monosperma), nettle, hawthorn and milk thistle.
The green mix: alfalfa, nettle, horsetail, narrow leaf plantain.

This is just what I have at the moment, but please, feel free to experiment!

Bread toppings ideas:

  • seeds – pumpkin, hemp, sesame, black seeds, poppy seeds, amaranth, yellow dock, chia etc.
  • herbal blends: Herbal GomasioHerbal Za’atar, Herbs de Provence, Italian seasoning, etc.
  • crashed nuts
  • dried fruit, berries

In this recipe, you can use any gluten-free flour or their combination. I’ve tried it with millet, cassava, oat, buckwheat, quinoa, tiger nut, amaranth, and no matter what proportions of each I used, it always comes out great!

Herbal BREAD recipe. Paleo, GFCFSF

In this recipe, you can use any gluten-free flour or their combination. I've tried it with millet, cassava, oat, buckwheat, quinoa, tiger nut, amaranth, and no matter what proportions of each I used, it always comes out great! 

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 2 cups almond flour (or any other gluten-free flour or their combination)
  • 1+1/4 cups of flaxseed meal
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 Tbsp Lemon juice or ACV
  • 1 tsp Celtic sea salt
  • 5 farm fresh eggs
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 4 Tbsp olive oil
  • 4 Tbsp ground herbs
  • 1 Tbsp caraway seeds grind 3/4-th of them
  1. preheat oven to 350.
  2. add all the ingredients in large stainless steel bowl and mix.
  3. pour the mixture into a lined with parchment paper bread pan and bake for 40 min. Turn off the oven and let cool for 1-2 hours before removing from the oven.
Recipe Notes

to make 2 regular size loaves, double the recipe.
tip: To make the bread airier - separate egg whites, mix all the rest of the ingredients and set the mixture aside. Beat the egg whites till soft peaks are formed and then fold it gently into your mixture.
herbal options: any culinary herbs, rosehips, cedar berries (juniperus monosperma), nettle, hawthorn, milk thistle, alfalfa, nettle, horsetail, narrow or /and broadleaf plantain, dandelion (all parts), ginkgo, linden, chickweed, oat straw, chamomile, calendula, licorice, raspberry leaf, wild violets...
topping ideas: seeds(pumpkin, sesame, caraway, black seeds, hemp, poppy), herbal Gomasio, Herbal Za'atar, Herbs de Provence, Italian seasoning, etc.

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other suggestions and benefits of few herbs I use in a similar basis:

Rosehips (Rosa spp.)- Rose Hips are the dried fruit of roses that contain very high levels of bioavailable vitamin C, and are full of properties that help to support healthy circulation and a strong immune system. It is most beneficial and pleasant when taken in tea form.

Alfalfa leaf (Medicago sativa) – “Father of All Herbs” it’s called and rightfully so! The Alfalfa plant raises minerals deep in the earth that aren’t accessible for most other plants since it sends its roots 20-30 ft down! Alfalfa is extraordinarily rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that play big roles in the health, development, and strength of our bones. Alfalfa contains digestive enzymes and eight essential amino acids of protein and high chlorophyll content. Extremely rich source of Beta-Carotene, Minerals, Trace elements, and Vitamins A, B-1, B-6, B-12, C, D, E, K, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, and Pantothenic Acid. Minerals are Calcium, copper, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
Main benefits: Cleansing the blood. Alkalies the body and detoxifies the body, especially the liver. Helps remove heavy metals out of the body, helping alleviate allergies, aids in blood clotting and promotes healthy digestion. Can ease morning sickness, stimulate a healthy appetite. Is helpful in reversing tooth decay and remineralizing teeth, a great source of Vitamin K so it helps improve Baby’s Vitamin K levels at birth if mom drinks during pregnancy. Helps lower blood cholesterol (by impeding intestinal absorption) without affecting heart-healthy HDL cholesterol. Supports the pituitary gland, Supportive during nursing. contains an antifungal agent. Anti-inflammatory.

Stinging Nettle leaf (Urtica dioica) – an herb with an extraordinary amount of benefits! It is a rich source of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, along with vitamins A, C, D, and B complex, all in a form that is easy for the body to use. Stinging nettle contains natural antihistamines and anti-inflammatories Its medicinal uses are: allergies, Asthma, Bedwetting/incontinence, Female Hormones, Fibromyalgia, Kidney, Libido, Nutrition.

Stinging Nettle Root (Urtica dioica) nettle root is used to treat a range of conditions but is most commonly associated with relieving the symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland. Nettle root is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections and also to treat pain in the muscles and joints. Nettle root is very rich on vitamins and minerals and as the leaf contains antihistamine.

Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus) “It is in great repute as a tonic, pectoral, and diuretic medicine, the disease for which it is prescribed, therefore, are almost numberless.” – G. A. Stuart, Chinese Materia Medica, 1911. Herbal Actions: Adaptogen, antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic, immunomodulating, antioxidant, a vasodilator. Constituents: Saponins, polysaccharides, triterpenoids, isoflavones, glycosides. Taste: Sweet, warm, woody.
Medicinal Use: Tonifying and stimulating, astragalus is often affectionately called the “young person’s ginseng.” In his book Healing Lyme, S.Buhner makes the powerful suggestion of using astragalus regularly to prevent Lyme disease. But he warns against use by anyone suffering from late-stage Lyme disease, as it could provoke an autoimmune response to an undesirable level. Astragalus can be beneficial to us in regulating the metabolism of dietary sugars, and thus can be helpful to those with diabetes. Recent Chinese studies have shown that astragalus may also benefit cholesterol levels, improve cardiovascular function, and lessen symptoms of severe heart disease.

Dandelion leaf (Taraxacum officinale) contains a huge array of beneficial nutrients. It offers beta-carotene, thiamin, riboflavin, calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. They have more potassium than bananas, more vitamin A than carrots. A rich source of antioxidants that support cardiovascular health, liver, kidneys and digestive health.

Dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) Dandelion root contains bitter principles that have a tonic effect on the liver and digestive system. It is a gentle laxative and a natural diuretic that is rich in natural potassium and many other vitamins and minerals. Properties: Bitter, Cholagogue, Depurative, Diuretic, Stomachic, Tonic. Medicinal Uses: Acne, Alcoholism, Bladder Infection (UTI), Bronchitis, Bruises/sprains, Cholesterol, Colds, Culinary/Kitchen, Detoxification, Diabetes, Digestion, Hypertension, Liver, Longevity, Osteoporosis, Pregnancy/Childbirth, Spring Tonics.

Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.) Hawthorn is an indisputable cardioprotective. The particular combination of flavonoids in Hawthorn seems to be especially protective of the heart. And what’s good for the heart – is good for the brain! Herbal Actions: Cardiotonic, cardioprotective, antioxidant, collagen stabilizing, mildly astringent, hypotensive, antiarrhythmic, diuretic, hypotensive, anti-ischemic, positively-inotropic, antioxidant.

According to the edited Modern Herbal, by Maude Grieve, it was used as an astringent for sore throats, and the diuretic quality was employed in kidney disease. The diuretic quality also helps reduce blood pressure, and additionally, kidney and heart health is very connected via the control of fluid and electrolytes.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) – The primary use of the horsetail is as a diuretic. Gently stimulating increased urinary flow, horsetail helps “flush” infectious bacteria out of the bladder without altering the body’s balance of electrolytes. Horsetail contains high amounts of silica and is one of the highest plant sources known for this bone-strengthening mineral.

Yellow Dock (Rumex Crispus). This plant’s root is what is mainly used for its gastrointestinal benefits as well as the young leaves are edible, delicious and packed with nutrients! Among its nutritional components, John Kallas explains, “Curly dock leaves are high in beta-carotene, vitamin C, and zinc” and the seeds are “rich in calcium and fiber while low in protein and fat.” Back in the days, people used to forage and make flour out of the seeds, and it’s not that weird, because Yellow Dock is a distant relative to Buckwheat. Think about it as wild buckwheat. Seeds are very rich on Iron, magnesium, calcium.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Protects the liver from incoming toxins through its remarkable anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has a particular affinity for the liver and is therefore used in most detoxification programs. Like milk thistle, it may soften stools. Turmeric has been shown to increase the production of bile by over 100 percent, making it a powerful aid to toxin excretion.

Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) was found extremely effective for many pancreatic disorders – it supports all glandular functions and is widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). According to research, licorice is “fortified with anti-inflammatory compounds that work to reduce the pain and swelling associated with pancreatic conditions like pancreatitis.”

This herb was used from before the time of Hippocrates, prescribed by early physicians in cases of dropsy and diabetes, to prevent thirst. This herb is another glandular food and cleanser, being an emollient, demulcent, pectoral and laxative. Licorice root has 6-8 percent glycyrrhizin; a sweet white crystalline powder, consisting of the calcium and potassium salts of glycyrrhizic acid, sugar, starch, gum, protein, fat, resin, asparagine, etc. All of the glands can be cleansed and nourished with this herb. Do not use for more than 7-10 days in a row or use in very low doses.

Lemongrass (Cymopogon citratus) Lemongrass is a well known medicinal herb in the East, as well as being widely used in Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Caribbean cooking. In Ayurvedic medicine, a preparation of Lemongrass with pepper has been used for relief of menstrual troubles and nausea. Lemongrass is a mild diuretic and a digestive stimulant that promotes digestion of fats. Properties: Analgesic, Antibacterial, Aromatic, Astringent, Balance, Calm, Depurative, Digestive, Insect repellents, Mood, Nervine.

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NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender with miller attachment to grind herbs, even roots!

not sure what I would do without this blender! bought this 4 years ago and its been used at least once a day, but most days multiple times. It’s SO easy to clean and use! If it breaks, I will buy another just like this one! Hope they won’t discontinue! 

yours truly, Milla Ezman

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Korean carrot salad is more Russian than Korean, was invented by Korean Immigrants in Eastern Russia when they couldn’t find the Napa cabbage for their Kim-chi, so they substitute for carrots. The salad was sold by the immigrants on farmers markets and became loved and famous!

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Organic Wild Yarrow Leaf & Flower (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety. Tincture recipe.


(Achillea millefolium)

Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.

Botanical name: Achillea millefolium

Plant family: Asteraceae (Sunflower) family.

Taste: Aromatic and Bitter.

Parts used: All aerial parts. The flowering tops are the most medicinally active as that is where we find the concentration of aromatic oils, though the leaves are higher in medicinal tannins.

Common names: Milfoil, Old Man’s Pepper, Soldier’s Woundwort, Knight’s Milfoil, Thousand Weed, Carpenter’s Weed, Bloodwort, Staunch Weed, Devil’s Nettle, Field Hop, Little Feather, Ya Luo, Warrior Plant.

Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a perennial found all over the world and is a remarkable herb to face the tough winter colds and flu with. And it has no less remarkable topical wound healing properties to face the cuts and bruises that are bound to come when you are raising active kids!

Yarrow is one of my absolute favorite herbs, my grandma used to say that there is nothing it cannot help! It is a very easy herb in every aspect! 

Its diaphoretic action makes it a powerful fever reducer and an ally in cases of obstructed perspiration while helping the body expel toxins and supporting liver and lungs. Diaphoretic (induce sweating) plants “move the circulation toward the surface of the body, helping to cool it off through sweating, and increasing the immunological activity on the “front lines” of the body’s battle against the cold”. Yarrow can be very beneficial for the pancreas and the lungs when liver or pancreatic function is compromised due to high insulin levels or low digestive enzymes. Yarrow stimulates pancreatic function and boosts blood flow, which can benefit the anxiety and insomnia.
Yarrow contains flavonoids and bitter, aromatic compounds that increase saliva and stomach acid production, aiding digestion. Yarrow is a popular digestive bitter. Read my article “Herbs for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia) Bitters. Carminatives. Demulcents.”
Yarrow is perhaps most famous for its benefits to heal wounds and stop minor bleeding. Its antiseptic and anodyne properties plus its ability to coagulate blood and stop bleeding make it the perfect ally in this case. It is also useful for hemorrhoids, postpartum care, bruises, cuts, as well as internal bleeding. Yarrow harmonizes blood circulation and hypertension. It is considered a skin tonic and can be very effective to improve complexion and provide protection against the sun and wind.

“Thou pretty herb of Venus’ tree
Thy true name it is Yarrow;
Now who my bosom friend must be,
Pray tell thou me tomorrow”

High fever, UTI, Colds, Flu, Angina, and other respiratory issues, digestive issues, Cuts and Wound, Bruises, Sun/wind damage, Pancreas, lungs and liver malfunction, Detox, Hemorrhoids, Blood clots, Dysmenorrhea, Hypertension, Menorrhagia

Key actions: 
Anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, aromatic, astringent, diaphoretic, stimulant, tonic, digestive, hypotensive, nervine.

Constituents:  Bitters, chamazulene, proazulene, saponins, tannins, fatty acids.

History and Folklore

Yarrow is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to humans. In Iran, archeologists excavated burial caves that are dated up to 60,000 years old containing the pollen grains of 8 medicinal plants, and Yarrow was one of them.
Thus, it is both cooling and warming, fluid generating and controlling. Remedies with contradictory but complementary properties are often of great utility since they are able to normalize opposing conditions. This is true for yarrow.” -Matthew Wood

The great 16th-century English herbalist Parkinson wrote “Achillea closeth bleeding wounds and preserveth them from inflammations, and it stayeth the flux of blood in women…

Yarrow was called Supercilium Venus (the eyebrow of Venus) and it was dedicated to this Goddess of Love, Beauty, and Grace. German herbalist Maria Treben says “I cannot recommend Yarrow enough for women. They could be spared many troubles if they just took Yarrow tea from time to time!

Organic Wild Yarrow Leaf & Flower (Achillea millefolium)

Growing Yarrow:
Yarrow grows over most of the world as a perennial garden and wild plant. Except the desert Southwest. Once its roots are established, it will come back year after year, without much work. The fern-like leaves and the flowers that may be yellow, red, pink, or a number of shades in between make it a very attractive plant for your backyard garden or landscape.

Yarrow is pest-resistant, drought-resistant, attracts butterflies, and is excellent for cutting and drying.

Plant in the spring in well-drained, average to poor soil. Yarrow thrives in hot, dry conditions; they will not tolerate wet soil. If you grow yarrow in rich soil, the plants may require stalking due to overgrowth.
Space the plants 1 to 2 feet apart. They are quick to establish and spread, though some species, like Achillea millefolium, are extra-aggressive growers, so be careful when choosing your plants. Most kinds grow to be about 2 to 4 feet tall.

Buy seeds at or

How to Harvest Yarrow: harvest all top part of the plant while it’s in the full bloom, discard all the damaged parts, separate leaves, flowers and stems. Cut the stems into 1-2 inch pieces so that they will be easy to use. dry and store.

Preparation and Dosage:

Tea and Infusion can be made from both fresh and dried cut leaves and flower heads.
Tea: Combine 1-2 tsp. of dried herb per cup of boiling water. Once you’ve added the herbs to the water, remove from heat. Cover and steep for 5-10 minutes . Strain the herbs and drink.
Infusion: 1 oz of dried herb to 1 pint(16 oz) of brought to a rolling boil water. Pour the water over the herb, cover your brew, so you don’t lose its aromatic properties, stip for 15-30 minutes.  Drink warm or at room temperature in “wineglassful doses” a few times a day.  The bitter taste can be masked with sweeter herbs and a bit of honey.

Learn about how to make teas and Infusions HERE

Tincture: see the recipe below.

Fresh plant: If you have fresh yarrow growing in your garden poultice can be employed to stop bleeding, soothe wounds, in case of bug bites, stings and relieve bruising. My son chewed yarrow with plantain and applied on a bee sting last summer. He said the pain went away in a few seconds and it didn’t swell. He was very impressed with himself! 

Dry Yarrow Topically: Dry Yarrow can be used to make an Herbal Healing Salve, or you can grind it into a fine powder and put directly onto cuts to disinfect and quickly stop bleeding. Yarrow is also used to soak (sitz bath, etc) and for compress preparations.
Native Americans used ground yarrow infused in water as a wash to treat sunburns.

Average Infants & Children Dosages:
6-12 months old – 1/10th of an adult dose
1-6 years old – 1/3 adult dose
7-12 years old – 1/2 adult dose.

Yarrow Tincture recipe.

Dried Yarrow Tincture recipe, using the Weight-to-Volume method.

in this recipe, I am using the Weight to Volume method with dry Yarrow making a 20%  (1:5 plant to alcohol ratio)  tincture with Organic 40%-60% Vodka or Brandy.

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 400 grams Dried ground Yarrow
  • 2000 ml Organic 40%-60% Vodka or Brandy
  1. Coarsely grind your dried Yarrow in a high-speed blender or food processor and place it in a large glass jar that can be tightly closed.

  2. Add your measured alcohol, stir well, making sure all of the plant material is wet. Cap your jar tightly. Label.

  3. Shake tincture frequently for 6-8 weeks, then let sit for another day.

  4. Decant, press and filter.

  5. Pour in an amber bottle with a dropper, cap tightly and label. Always label! Mystery jars are so frustrating! 

Recipe Notes

I use  Organic cane or Grape Vodka but grain vodka is also safe. 

Adult dose: 1-3 ml 3x a day.
Infants & Children Dosage:
6-12 months old – 1/10th of an adult dose
1-6 years old – 1/3 adult dose
7-12 years old – 1/2 adult dose.

Uses: as an herbal bitter, fever reducer, to strengthen the vascular system. UTI, Colds, Flu, Angina, and other respiratory issues, for Pancreas, lungs, and liver malfunction, Detox, Hemorrhoids, Blood clots, Dysmenorrhea,  Hypertension, and Menorrhagia.

Not recommended with: Bradycardia, coagulation disorders, nephritis.

Organic Wild Yarrow Leaf & Flower (Achillea millefolium)

Yarrow safety: As yarrow’s ability to relax the smooth muscle of the uterus, pregnant women should not use yarrow unless under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner, because it could cause miscarriage.
Yarrow appears to be very safe to use whilst breastfeeding and certainly can and should be used as a healing herb by the young or elderly.

Note: Yarrow is an herb that has several look-alikes, some of which are poisonous and even deadly (poison hemlock and water hemlock). Before harvesting and using what you think is yarrow, be sure you’ve positively identified it first!

Allergy warning: Yarrow should be used with caution by those with allergies or sensitivities to plants in the Asteraceae (Sunflower) family.

Science on Yarrow:
– Yarrow infusion was found to demonstrate anti-inflammatory and antipyretic (fever reducing) actions. The active ingredients were identified as protein-carbohydrate compounds within the plant (Goldberg AS et al: J Pharm Sci 58(8):938-941,1969)

– Yarrow tincture, in laboratory studies, was found to be effective against Staph.aureus, Bacillus subtillus, Mycobacterium smegmatis, Escherichia coli, Shigella sonnei, and Shigella flexneri (Moskalenko SA: J Ethnopharmacol 15(3):231-259,1986)

– more HERE.

The Best Kept Secret
“In 1929, Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. It began to be readily available with WWII. At that time new antibiotics were being discovered daily. However, Dr. Fleming noted as early as 1929 that numerous bacteria were already resistant to Penicillin. At that time 14 percent of staph bacteria were resistant to penicillin. By 1995, with decades of widespread use of antibiotics, 95% of staph were resistant to penicillin. In 1960, when resistant staph had become the most common hospital-acquired infection, physicians started using methicillin to combat resistant strains. In just a year, MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph) emerged. 70 years from the introduction to antibiotics, some staph bacteria have become resistant to all known pharmaceutical antibiotics. Bacteria seem to be winning the “war on disease.”

Herbs are different than pharmaceuticals. Bacteria can develop immunity to pharmaceuticals because they represent only one, or a few, compounds. Natural herbs, on the other hand, are made up of hundreds of complex compounds that bacteria can’t develop immunity to. Bidens is a natural antibiotic that will successfully treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It outperforms penicillin, tetracycline, methicillin, and other antibiotics for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

Organic Wild Yarrow Leaf & Flower (Achillea millefolium)

I appreciate your Comments, Shares, and Reviews.

yours truly, Milla Ezman

Medicinal-plants in a Middle Paleolithic Grave Shanidar

“Herbal First Aid: Wound Care”. Natural School of Botanical Medicine.

“Yarrow (Ya Luo).”, 2016.

“Yarrow: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Yarrow.”, accessed online September 2016.

by Andrew Chevallier

this one is my very favorite. I own 1st edition. When I search up a Herbs, this is where I go first. And there wasn’t many times that I didn’t find what I was looking for.

by Phyllis A. Balch

this one is too my favorite. Easy to navigate reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies.

175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family


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** Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs that are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs. **

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium). Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety. Tincture recipe. Read More »

Herbs for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia) Bitters Carminatives Demulcents

Herbs & Foods for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia). Symptoms. Causes. Recommendations.

Herbs for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia) Bitters Carminatives Demulcents

Herbs for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia) Bitters. Carminatives. Demulcents.

Symptoms. Causes. Recommendations.

Indigestion may be a symptom of a disorder or a disorder itself.


"Indigestion, also called dyspepsia, is any or all of the unpleasant symptoms that are associated with the malfunctioning of the digestive system."

Functional dyspepsia is the term used to describe a variety of abdominal discomforts associated with eating, a feeling that digestion did not go naturally.

Symptoms include:

abdominal pain, allergic symptoms, belching, bloating, burning sensation after eating, chronic bowel irritation, chronic fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, abnormal stools, gas, a sour taste in the mouth, excessive burping, insomnia, joint and muscle pain, nausea, rumbling, skin disorders, sugar cravings, vomiting.

Seek medical attention:

  • if chest pain radiates to the jaw or/and begins to travel down your left arm, or if the sensation (squeezing in nature) is accompanied by a feeling of weakness, dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, heartburn or shortness of breath seek emergency medical help Immediately! The early symptoms of a heart attack can be very much like those of indigestion, particularly heartburn, and as a result, overlooked.
  • if abdominal pain persists for longer than 6 hours or if additional symptoms include weight loss, bleeding and jaundice.
  • if indigestion symptoms last longer than two weeks

CAUSES of Indigestion: 

  • Use of antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills. Also thyroid, cholesterol, blood pressure, anti-acid and pain medications.
  • Ingestion of herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilisers through conventional foods. 
  • Lack of friendly bacteria.
  • Low/High Stomach Acid.
  • Stress or anxiety. When you’re experiencing stress or anxiety, your body diverts blood and other resources away from your digestive system, which can slow down or block proper digestion from happening.
  • Swallowing air.
  • Drinking liquids with meals contribute to indigestion because it dilutes the enzymes needed for digestion.
  • Eating spicy, fatty or greasy foods.
  • Eating too fast.
  • Eating too much in one sitting.
  • Malabsorption (or Dyspepsia can lead to Malabsorption).
  • Peristalsis dysfunction. Peristalsis is the normal downward pumping and squeezing (movement) of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine, which begins after swallowing.
  • Disorders of gallbladder, liver, and pancreas.
  • Food allergies and intolerances.
  • Excessive acid secretion.
  • Helicobacter pylori infection.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcers.
  • Inflammation of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.

RECOMMENDATIONS for Indigestion:

  • Consume well-balanced meals with plenty of nutrient-rich foods such as organic fresh veggies, leafy greens, berries, fruits and herbs.
  • Include in your diet fresh papaya (which contains papain) and fresh pineapple (which contains bromelain). These are good sources of beneficial digestive enzymes.
  • Avoid gluten grains, corn, soy, caffeine, carbonated beverages, refined sugar, tomatoes, salty and spicy foods, dairy products, junk and processed foods.
  • Avoid MSG containing foods and ingredients. Full list of hidden sources of Free Glutamate (MSG) is HERE.
  • Limit your intake of legumes, nuts, peanuts and gluten free grains as they contain enzyme inhibitors. Soaking them for 4+ hours helps to remove the antinutrients.
  • Avoid foods and products sprayed with herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
  • For the relief of occasional digestive difficulties, use charcoal tablets. They are good for absorbing gas and toxins. Because they can interfere with the absorption of other nutrients, they should be taken separately, and they should not be taken for a long period of time. Occasional use is not harmful and has no side effects.
  • Foul-smelling stools that are accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus often is a sign that the colon contains toxic materials – incorporate detox protocols into your daily regime. You can learn what you can do to help your body to Detox in my article HERE.
  • Find out your food allergies and sensitivities and stay away from these foods that cause a reaction.
  • Regularly consume homemade fermented veggies. Read my “Full Guide to Wild Fermented Sauerkraut for Gut Health”.
  • Drink a glass of warm water lemon juice  before each meal (in particular, breakfast) to help ‘kick start’ your digestive system. Mix 1 tablespoon (tbsp) of fresh lemon juice with 8 ounces (oz) of water. If it tastes too strong, add less lemon juice at first. Always dilute lemon juice with water to reduce its acidity. lemon juice has a history of use in Eastern and Western practices to aid digestion and gastrointestinal issues, including acid reflux.
  • Exercise.
  • Food combination is important. Proteins and starches are poor combinations. Foods containing sugar, even fruits, should not be consumed with fats, proteins or starches. See my article: “How to keep Candida under control with Herbs & Foods (without removing fruit)”
  • Do not take anti-acids to relieve the discomfort of indigestion and heartburn! Anti-acids neutralize the stomach acid, preventing proper digestion and interfering with the absorption of nutrients. This only leads to continued indigestion.
  • Chew your food thoroughly. Digestion starts in the mouth and chewing signals the rest of the digestive system to prepare to break down the food for absorption.
  • Try not to eat when you are upset or overtired.
  • Avoid eating late at night.
  • Chew with your mouth closed.
  • Don’t talk while you are chewing.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well.
  • Never lie down directly after eating.
  • Do not drink liquids while eating. This dilutes the stomach juices and prevents proper digestion.

The Ideal Bowel Movement: 

some conflicting information on the subject: “Sink or Float?”


1. Some think that a healthy poop should* sink.

Common Causes of Floating Stools: The two most common causes of floating stools are excess gas and malabsorption (poor absorption) of nutrients.  Also floating stool is associated with celiac disease or chronic pancreatitis.
More here: and here:

2.  But the ancient lifestyle science of Ayurveda says that a proper stool is like a peeled, fully ripe banana—size, shape, and color (brown). And it floats. Ayurvedic practitioners say that “if your stool is sinking, you’re sinking!”

Floats or sinks, as long as it’s the right shape, texture and color – I think you are on the right track! 

Tree groups of Herbs
helpful for indigestion:

Bitters. Carminatives. Demulcents.


Bitters are herbs that have a bitter taste.
Herbal bitters contain what is called “The Bitter Principle”, this may be a volatile oil, an alkaloid, iridoid or a sesquiterpene. The taste of bitterness is transmitted by our taste buds at the back of the tongue to the central nervous system, triggering a number of reflexes. These reflexes have important consequences to the digestive process. The sensation of bitterness stimulates appetite, production of the digestive hormone gastrin. Which then increases the flow of digestive juices from the pancreas, duodenum and liver. 

Rue “Herb of Grace”, Artichoke, Angelica, Greater Celandine, Wormwood, Horehound, Boldo, Yellow dock, Yarrow, Goldenseal, Tansy, Vervain, Oregon grape, Barberry, Picrorhiza, Andrographis, Bitter Orange, Bitter Melon, Blessed Thistle, Centaury, Devil’s claw, Dandelion, Elecampane, Gentian, Juniper, Prickly ash.


Carminatives (mild bitters)

warm up the digestive tract, speed up the thoroughness of digestion, and reduce gas:

Fennel, Caraway, Cayenne pepper, Ginger, Linden, Turmeric, Chamomile, Lemon balm, Sage, Anise, European angelica root, Basil, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cardamom, Dill, Cloves, Oregano, Lavender, Rosemary, Thyme.



These herbs have a soothing quality. A demulcent is an herb rich in mucilage and can soothe and protect irritated or inflamed internal tissue. When they are used on the skin they are called emollients. Demulcents are used whenever a membrane is raw, hot, irritated, inflamed or over excited. They are cooling, soothing, healing and relaxing. These herbs best be prepared with the Cold Infusion method. Read my “Complete Guide to making an Herbal COLD INFUSION and List of Herbs that are BEST prepared with COLD INFUSION

Licorice, Colt’s foot, Bladderwrack, Bidens tripartita, Aloe Vera, Marshmallow (leaf or root), Mullein, Flax seed, Horehound, Couch grass, Corn silk, Comfrey, Irish/Iceland Moss, Lungwort, Slippery Elm

Herbs That Complement Bitter Herbs

Cardamom stimulates appetite and saliva while helping to reduce flatulence.
Cinnamon relieves nausea and prevents diarrhea. antifungal. 
Clove eases nausea and flatulence and also stimulates digestion.
Ginger promotes gastric secretions. It is useful for flatulence, dyspepsia, and colic.

BITTERS are essential for good digestion and health, yet they are lacking in our modern diets. Cultures around the world have long utilized bitters and understood their necessity for health and digestion.

Europeans often drink a bitter aperitif (an ounce or so of a bitter herbal beverage) before the first bite of a meal, to stimulate digestive secretions and keep food passing through rapidly. Bitter herbs reduce gas, bloating, symptoms of food allergies and indigestion.

Many believe that a lack of bitters is one of the main causes for the health and digestive issues present in our society, and herbalists including James Green and Jim Mcdonald talk about “bitter deficiency syndrome” and promote the benefits of bitters.
Bitters stimulate digestion, metabolism, relieve constipation, increase appetite, help with feelings of sluggishness, help normalize blood sugar, and they help resolve many issues including acid reflux, ulcers, and leaky gut syndrome, and do so much more.


"Herbal Bitters" Tincture Recipe. Weight-to-Volume Method.

Make bitters with a singular herb, or in a formulation. Below is a recipe that I have made, but feel free to adapt and change it by mixing and matching different bitters. 

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 2 parts Dandelion Root not roasted.
  • 1 part Gentian root
  • 1 part Burdock root
  • 1 part Orange zest fresh or dried
  • 1/2 part Horehound
  • 1/4 part Ginger root fresh or ground
  • 1/4 part Fennel seeds
  • 1/4 part Comfrey root leaf or both
  • 1/4 part Cardamom pods crashed
  • 1/8 part Caraway seeds
  • Organic Cane, Grape or Potato Vodka (40%) or Organic Brandy
  1. To make a 20% tincture use ratio 1:5 if all your herbs are dried. Measure the herbs in grams and multiply x5 = you will get the number for vodka in milliliters. For example: for 400g of herbs you will need 2000ml of 40% (80 proof) vodka. 

  2. Coarsely grind all your large roots and seeds in a food processor or a blender. Place all of the herbs in a glass jar, and pour your alcohol over the herbs, completely covering them. Stir well, so all of the herbs are wet.

  3. Cover with a tight-fitting lid, shake well and store in a cool, dry, and dark cabinet. Make sure to shake the jar daily, or as often as you can remember, and make sure to add more alcohol if needed so that the herbs are always completely submerged. Mold and bacteria can be developed in your product if the herb is exposed to air.

  4. Allow the bitters to extract for 4-8 weeks. Then, strain all of the herbs out using cheesecloth squeezing all the liquid out as much as you can. A wine press or a juicer can also be used to strain out all the tincture.

  5. Bottle the liquid into amber glass bottles. Make sure to label the bottles! This will keep for many years if stored in a dark, dry and cool space. 

Recipe Notes

I used this Ocean Organic Vodka

Using Bitters: Take bitters before beginning a meal, just a few drops are needed to stimulate the digestive system. You can also take 15-30 drops to promote your digestion, or if you feel sluggish following a heavy meal.

For best results, use bitters on a regular basis.

To use it for kids - make an alcohol-reduced tincture by adding the tincture to a small glass of almost boiling water and leaving it for 5 minutes allows the alcohol to evaporate.

Dried Yarrow Tincture recipe, using the Weight-to-Volume method.

in this recipe, I am using the Weight to Volume method with dry Yarrow making a 20%  (1:5 plant to alcohol ratio)  tincture with Organic 40%-60% Vodka or Brandy.

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 400 grams Dried ground Yarrow
  • 2000 ml Organic 40%-60% Vodka or Brandy
  1. Coarsely grind your dried Yarrow in a high-speed blender or food processor and place it in a large glass jar that can be tightly closed.

  2. Add your measured alcohol, stir well, making sure all of the plant material is wet. Cap your jar tightly. Label.

  3. Shake tincture frequently for 6-8 weeks, then let sit for another day.

  4. Decant, press and filter.

  5. Pour in an amber bottle with a dropper, cap tightly and label. Always label! Mystery jars are so frustrating! 

Recipe Notes

I use  Organic cane or Grape Vodka but grain vodka is also safe. 

Adult dose: 1-3 ml 3x a day.
Infants & Children Dosage:
6-12 months old – 1/10th of an adult dose
1-6 years old – 1/3 adult dose
7-12 years old – 1/2 adult dose.

Uses: as an herbal bitter, fever reducer, to strengthen the vascular system. UTI, Colds, Flu, Angina, and other respiratory issues, for Pancreas, lungs, and liver malfunction, Detox, Hemorrhoids, Blood clots, Dysmenorrhea,  Hypertension, and Menorrhagia.

Not recommended with: Bradycardia, coagulation disorders, nephritis.

A bitter Infusion.

Herbal infusions of any kind are as simple as pouring boiling water over herbs!

Choose 1 or a combination of herbs from the lists above. Place herbs in a cup or jar (3 Tablespoons of herbs per 1 cup of water). Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover and let steep at least* 4 hours or overnight. Strain out the herbs and add honey(optional). Store in your fridge or freeze extra. If you like your infusion warm, simply reheat.

If any or all the herbs you chose for your infusion are “hard” (roots, bark, woody stems) they need to be simmered for 15-30 min.

If you have a combination of “hard and “soft” (dry leaves, petals, flowers, calyx, buds, soft stems, grass), then simmer your hard herbs first then add your soft herbs in and set the pot aside, with the lid on, cover with a thick towel and let it infuse 30 min to overnight. The longer it infuses, the stronger the infusion will be. 

I make a large jar in the evening, let it sit overnight, then strain the herbs out the next morning and we take 2-4 Tablespoons before every meal.

Infants & Children Dosage:

6-12 months old – 1/10th of an adult dose
1-6 years old – 1/3 adult dose
7-12 years old – 1/2 adult dose.

For more information see my HERBS page. 

 I appreciate your Comments, Shares, and Reviews.

yours truly, Milla Ezman


– “Prescription for Herbal Healing” 2nd edition. by Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
– “Blessed Bitters”  by Jim Mcdonald. –

that’s the one brand we use, because it is made from coconut shells and is free of toxins and heavy metals. 

NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender with miller attachment to grind herbs, even roots!

not sure what I would do without this blender! bought this 4 years ago and its been used at least once a day, but most days multiple times. It’s SO easy to clean and use! If it breaks, I will buy another just like this one! Hope they won’t discontinue! 

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DETOX. Protocols & Herbs

The symptoms of environmental toxicity and environmental allergies can be very similar, but the mechanisms that cause them are different. Allergies result from an overreaction by the immune system to some substances encountered in the environment. Environmental toxicity, on the other hand, is not a result of an immune system reaction, but a direct

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Pancreas healing Herbs for better digestion

Pancreas healing herbs will increase its ability to function properly so that the nutrients from food that you eat will be fully digested and will become available to you. Although Tiny and generally unnoticed, your pancreas plays one of the most important roles in the digestive and endocrine process.

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Herbs for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia) Bitters Carminatives Demulcents

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here is a very good article and lists of bitters:
Bitters recipe: REID note: use safe potato vodka to make the tinctures. To use it for kids – make an alcohol-reduced tincture by adding 5 ml of tincture to a small glass of almost boiling water and leaving it for 5 minutes allows the alcohol to evaporate.


to grow rue:

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** Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs that are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs. **

Herbs & Foods for INDIGESTION (Dyspepsia). Symptoms. Causes. Recommendations. Read More »

Bidens Tripartita (Three-Lobe Beggarticks) Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.

Bidens Tripartita (Three Lobe Beggarticks). Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.


Three Lobe Beggarticks

(Bidens Tripartita L.)

Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.

Bidens Tripartita (Three-Lobe Beggarticks) Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.

Bidens Tripartita is an attractive annual plant, with toothed lance-shaped leaves, yellow button like flower heads, and burlike fruit. It is considered to be very invasive mostly due to their effective pollination mechanisms and their distinctive dispersal adaptations, which allow seed distribution by humans, animals, wind, and water. Most sources say it can grow up to 2 ft (60 cm) but I’ve seen plants that were around 6-7 feet tall and 5 feet wide!

It is a remarkable and unique plant, too often overlooked and forgotten by most herbalists in the western botanic practice. Its safety and efficiency has been confirmed through long use as food and medicine in many regions of the world.

The plant is a mucous membrane tonic and powerful antibacterial, it not only stops the inflammation but also heals the mucous membranes themselves. Combined with its astringent and anti-inflammatory, and strong antibacterial powers, it is specific for treating diseases caused by resistant pathogens: UTIS, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, gastritis and ulcers…- the entire GI system in fact. As well as inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory system caused by infections. 

Michael Moore notes that “bidens has the ability to tighten, shrink, and tonify the structural cells of the mucus membranes, thereby preventing congestion and edema, while simultaneously increasing the circulation, metabolism, and healing energy of the functional cells of those tissues“.

M.Moore also considered bidens specific for reducing elevated levels of uric acid in the blood; as  a gentle diuretic it stimulates uric acid elimination in the urine, preventing formation and helping in the elimination of kidney stones.

Bidens was found to have anti-inflammatory activity, as well as the ability to stimulate adrenal function.
The plant was administered in 16th and 17th century Europe for its astringent, diaphoretic, and diuretic properties; virtues endorsed by nearly all contemporary apothecaries.

In Russian traditional medicine, an infusion of the aerial part of B. tripartita L. is widely used in the treatment of catarrhal rhinitis, angina, acute respiratory infection, and as an anti-inflammatory in colitis, gout, and infantile rickets (Sokolov, 2000). Roots has very powerful antifungal effects.

Quite a wide range of applications for a noxious weed!

”Bidens may be our best herb for benign prostate hypertrophy, usually decreasing the membrane irritability both in the urinary tract and the rectum, and often, over a few weeks of use, noticeably shrinking the prostate and giving its connective tissue better tone.” – Michael Moore.

According to S.Buhner Bidens is active against:
“Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Human cytomegalovirus, Entamoeba histolytica, Enterococcus faecalis, (Streptococcus faecalis), Escherichia coli, Herpes simplex 1 and 2, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Leishmania amazonensis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Plasmodium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Serratia marcescens, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis”.

Common Names:

Beggarticks, Sticktights, Bur Marigold, Water-agrimony, Spanish Needles, Three-Cleft Bur-Marigold, Dreiteiliger Zweizahn (German), Brunskära(Swedish), Череда́ трёхразде́льная (Russian).

Botanical Name:

Bidens Tripartita L.

Plant Family:


Parts used:

Whole plant.


Nutty, slightly bitter, not unpleasant at all.


Systemic staph, malaria, babesiosis, leishmaniases, UTI, mouth and stomach ulcers, headaches, ear infections, chronic diarrhea, jaundice, dysentery, burns, arthritis,  indigestion, swollen spleen, angina, coughs, colds and flu, adrenal support, high uric acid levels, gout, kidney stones, rheumatism, boils, baldness, vaginitis, prostate hypertrophy, diabetes, skin rashes, psoriasis and infected wounds. Source of calcium. 

Key actions: 
Anti-inflammatory, Antifungal, Antibacterial, Antidiabetic, Antidysenteric, Antimalarial, Antimicrobial, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Astringent, Blood tonic, Carminative, Diuretic, Galactagogue, Hepatoprotective, Hypoglycemic, Hypotensive, immunomodulatory, Mucous membrane tonic, Neuroprotectant, Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitor, Styptic, Vulnerary

Constituents:  flavonoids, butoxy lipids, coumaric acids, erythronic acid, phenylpropanoids,  tannins, okanin flavonoids, stigmasterol steroids, quercetin flavonols, daucosterol, terpenes, and benzenoids.
The most active constituents are thought to be the polyacetylene compounds and the flavonoids. The acetylenes have shown the broadest-spectrum antimicrobial activity.

It also contains bitter principles and mucousage, carotene volatile oils, calcium.

History and Folklore

Beggarticks name came about because the seeds (barbs) stick to one like a tick, and it is usually seen on the clothing of those who wander through along roads and railways, such as beggars.

Nicholas Culpeper, writing in 1652, tells us that it was called Hepatorium “because it strengthens the liver…

– it ‘healeth’ and drieth, cutteth and cleanseth thick and tough humours of the breast and for this I hold it inferior to few herbs that grow . . . it helpeth the dropsy and yellow jaundice; it opens the obstruction of the liver, mollifies the hardness of the spleen, being applied outwardly. . . it is an excellent remedy for the third day ague; . . . it kills worms and cleanseth the body of sharp humours which are the cause of itch and scab; the herb being burnt, the smoke thereof drives away flies, wasps, etc. It strengthens the lungs exceedingly. Country people give it to their cattle when they are troubled with cough or are broken-winded.”

Carolus Linnaeus (1701-1778) described the genus in ‘Species Plantarum’, 1753, and ‘Genera Plantarum’, 1754. The type species was bur beggarticks, B. tripartita. The generic name Bidens (literally `two teeth’) evolved from the Latin ‘bis’, double, and dens, a tooth, in reference to the awns of the achenes.
Ancient Asian texts (Bencao Gangmu, 1596 AD-Chinese Materia Medica penned during the Ming dynasty) lists a few different types of bidens that were commonly used for snake bites, insect bites and chronic diarrhea. (Bidens pilosa and bidens tripartita).

The Native Americans would use a tea made with the leaves to get rid of worms. They also chewed the leaves to help relieve sore throats. The Shakers used the plant as an expectorant, for uterine issues, to treat heart palpitations and to induce menstruation and sweating. Ayurvedic medicine used it for glandular sclerosis, eczema, headaches, ear infections, toothaches and leprosy.


It grows easily from seed. May be even too easily! you will know what I mean the second year after planting, when it starts popping up everywhere in your garden. Which I don’t mind at all.

Pick an area where it won’t become a problem when it starts spreading. Plant the seed 4 cm deep in the moist soil in early spring. You can broadcast it or sow it in rows. Keep moist, but don’t overwater, until it emerges.

If you are using it for food, harvest the leaves when young, as a spring tonic food. It gets more astringent as it ages as well as high silica content.

Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It absolutely can grow in the shade, but prefers a sunny or partial sun spot, moist or wet soil.
USDA hardiness 5-9
When growing on the edge of a pond, its seeds have been known to kill goldfish by adhering to their gills.

Habitat & Cultivation: Bidens spp. grow throughout Europe, North America, and other temperate regions including Australia and New Zealand. They are found in damp places and near fresh water.

Harvest: Cut leaves before plant go into blooming. If you are growing it medicinally, pluck the flowers as they come out to extend your harvest window, prevent seed grow, and encourage leaf production. You will be able to get several harvests of leaves before the end of the season, depending on your climate. Older leaves are more astringent and drying than young leaves.

Preparation and Dosage:

• The most potent forms of this herb are alcohol tinctures and the fresh plant or its juice.
• Some of the plant’s most important constituents are destroyed by oxidation, so drying is not recommended. Heat also destroys them.
• About a two-thirds of the antimicrobial activity is reduced if the plant is not prepared fresh.
• The older the dried plant is, the less potent it will be in either water or alcohol extraction.

Tincture:  Fresh plant ratio 1:2.  95% alcohol should be used.

Fresh juice: the leaves are very fibrous, so it’s best to chop them up before putting in your juicer. Large quantities of juice can be stabilized with alcohol (80/20 – juice/alcohol ratio) so it will keep. Dosage: 1/4-1 tsp up to 1 Tbsp in water. up to 6 times daily for up to 28 days.

Tincture and juice with alcohol will be more potent as the alcohol have the benefit of delivering the constituents into the bloodstream faster.

Fresh plant: During the summer months we use 1-4 leaves daily in our smoothies and in salads. The leaves can be eaten raw right off of the plant.  I also freeze them, by blending with a bit of water (just enough to get my blender going) and then pouring into ice cubes trays, which are then emptied and stored in bags for the winter months use.

Infusion: Bidens tripartita is recommended for internal administration at the dose of 1 tablespoon of the infusion (10 g in 200 mL of water) taken 3–4 times a day and as one glass of an infusion of 10 g of cut herb together with 100 g of cooking salt or sea salt per bath for external use.

Bidens Tripartita (Three-Lobed Beggarticks) Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety.
Winter smoothie: Frozen in icecibes blended Binens Tripartita (three lobed beggarticks) + Fresh and frozen fruit - persimmon, pair, banana, apple, kiwi.

Safety:   Safe for pregnant women, infants and during breastfeeding.

Allergy: Bidens may cause an allergic reaction in people who are sensitive to the Asteraceae/Compositae plant family. Members of this family include ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, daisies, and many others. If you have allergies, be sure to check with your healthcare provider before taking bidens.

The Best Kept Secret
“In 1929, Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin. It began to be readily available with WWII. At that time new antibiotics were being discovered daily. However, Dr. Fleming noted as early as 1929 that numerous bacteria were already resistant to Penicillin. At that time 14 percent of staph bacteria were resistant to penicillin. By 1995, with decades of widespread use of antibiotics, 95% of staph were resistant to penicillin. In 1960, when resistant staph had become the most common hospital-acquired infection, physicians started using methicillin to combat resistant strains. In just a year, MRSA (methicillin-resistant staph) emerged. 70 years from the introduction to antibiotics, some staph bacteria have become resistant to all known pharmaceutical antibiotics. Bacteria seem to be winning the “war on disease.”

Herbs are different than pharmaceuticals. Bacteria can develop immunity to pharmaceuticals because they represent only one, or a few, compounds. Natural herbs, on the other hand, are made up of hundreds of complex compounds that bacteria can’t develop immunity to. Bidens is a natural antibiotic that will successfully treat antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It outperforms penicillin, tetracycline, methicillin, and other antibiotics for both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

yours truly, Milla Ezman


“Anti-hyperglycaemic and antioxidant effects of Bidens tripartita and quantitative analysis on its active principles” –

“Medicinal Plants of the Russian Pharmacopoeia; their history and applications” –

“Composition of the Essential Oil of Bidens tripartita L. Roots and Its Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities” –

“Beggarticks” –


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Herbal Hydrosols (20 Ways To Use Them​)

Herbal Hydrosol. How to. Uses. Benefits.

Herbal hydrosols (known as flower waters, hydrolats, Herbal distillate, distillate waters, plant water essence or essential waters) – produced by distilling fresh leaves, fruits, flowers, and other plant materials.

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Pancreas healing Herbs for better digestion

Pancreas healing herbs will increase its ability to function properly so that the nutrients from food that you eat will be fully digested and will become available to you. Although Tiny and generally unnoticed, your pancreas plays one of the most important roles in the digestive and endocrine process.

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** Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs that are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs. **

Bidens Tripartita (Three Lobe Beggarticks). Health Benefits. Uses. Preparation. Safety. Read More »

Magnesium Chocolate chip cookies with baked in herbs

Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies

Magnesium Chocolate chip cookies with baked in herbs

Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies with baked in Herbs

What can be better than Herbs baked in a Dessert!? A dessert that is actually not bad for you, even if you have health issues! 

I use herbs everywhere, it has become almost a habit. Especially with something that can be potentially harmful, like the sugars in the form of Maple Syrup in a combination of fats. These cookies turned out Amazing! I doubled the recipe so we had extra to give – to leave for Santa with my Homemade EggNog this Christmas! 

Always use Herbs in your Cooking and Baking!

PASCHA Organic Dark Chocolate Baking Chips (link where to buy is below the recipe) may not be an Herb, but it is a very clean product in my opinion, plus they are not sweetened so the bitterness aids in promoting your digestions, and Cacao has a long list of benefits for your brain and body! 

Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies with baked in Herbs

Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies with baked in Herbs Recipe:

Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies with baked in Herbs

Made with pumpkin seeds and herbs. Gluten-Dairy-Corn-Soy-Free. 

Author: Milla Ezman
  • 1 1/4 cup Organic Ground Pumpkin seeds
  • ¼ cup Organic Ground Watermelon seeds
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Coconut flour
  • 2 Tbsp Organic Ground Turmeric
  • 3 Tbsp Ground Herbs see recipe notes below
  • ½ cup Organic GF Old Fashioned Oats optional, in case the dough is too runny.
  • ½ tsp Celtic sea salt
  • ¼ to ½ tsp Organic Ground cayenne pepper or as much as you can handle!
  • cup Organic Maple or Cane sugar (or your sweetener of choice)
  • 1/3 cup Organic Coconut oil or Grass Fed Ghee cold or room temperature
  • 1 tsp Organic Ground vanilla or safe vanilla essence
  • 1 Farm fresh egg
  • 1 ½ tsp Baking soda
  • 1 tsp Organic Lemon Juice
  • ½ cup PASCHA Organic Dark Chocolate Baking Chips
  • ¼ cup Chopped Organic Pecans Or Wild Black Walnuts optional, but great for texture!
  1. Preheat oven to 325 F. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper.

  2. In a large mixing bowl mix all the ingredients except the last four until well combined. Make sure the consistency of your dough is right, not too runny or thick, adjust with more dry or wet ingredients.

  3. In a large spoon mix the lemon juice with baking soda to make the reaction and quickly add to the mix until incorporated.

  4. Fold in chocolate chips and pecans.

  5. Place tbsp size spoonfuls across cookie sheet 1 ½ inch apart.
  6. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes, or until cookies are browned on the bottoms.
  7. Remove and cool for at least 25 minutes or longer, or until cookies firm up and set.
Recipe Notes
  1. In a high-speed blender grind watermelon seeds (if using) first. Then add pumpkin seeds and grind into fine mill but stop before it starts turning into butter. Best to freeze them before grinding, that helps the oils in the nuts not to run.
  2. If not using watermelon seeds, make it 1¼ cup of pumpkin seeds.
  3. For "Ground Herbs" Use any combination of Rosehips, Alfalfa, Nettle, Dandelion, Cedar berries (Juniper Monosperma), Hawthorn Berries, Milk Thistle, Ginkgo, Lemongrass, Linden, Horsetail and other herbs that don't taste too strong.
  4. You can make it egg free, by simply opting it out. 
  5. If you are using honey or maple syrup, you will need to compinsate for the extra liquid and add a bit of extra flour. 

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NutriBullet 12-Piece High-Speed Blender with miller attachment to grind herbs, even roots!

not sure what I would do without this blender! bought this 4 years ago and its been used at least once a day, but most days multiple times. It’s SO easy to clean and use! If it breaks, I will buy another just like this one! Hope they won’t discontinue! 

It is a very clean product IMO. I like that they have no additives and are bitter. The bits of bitterness promotes healthy digestion. 

I buy them a bit cheaper in my local Health Foods discount store, but that is the one we usually get. 

Always try to avoid “POWDERED” herbs and spices. Look for “GROUND” and always Organic!

yours truly, Milla Ezman


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Korean Carrot Salad

Korean carrot salad is more Russian than Korean, was invented by Korean Immigrants in Eastern Russia when they couldn’t find the Napa cabbage for their Kim-chi, so they substitute for carrots. The salad was sold by the immigrants on farmers markets and became loved and famous!

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Magnesium Chocolate Chip Cookies Read More »

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Uses. Properties. Constituents.

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Uses. Properties. Constituents.

Cayenne pepper

(Capsicum frutescens L.)

Uses. Properties. Constituents. ​

Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) Uses. Properties. Constituents.

“Cayenne is the purest and most powerful stimulant, used medicinally and also as a condiment. This herb is a great food for the circulatory system. It feeds elements that may be lacking into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries to give them the elasticity of youth again, as the blood pressure adjusts itself to normal. 

When the venous structure becomes loaded with sticky mucus, the blood has a harder time circulating; therefore, higher pressure forces the liquid through. Cayenne regulates the flow of blood from the head to the feet so that it is equalized. Cayenne (as a stimulant) is an activator, carrier, and accentuator.
Cayenne influences the heart immediately, then gradually extends its effects to the arteries, capillaries, and nerves. The frequency of the pulse is not increased, but it is given more power. In equalizing the blood circulation, cayenne produces natural warmth, and in stimulating the peristaltic motion of the intestines, it aids in assimilation and elimination. It rebuilds the tissue in the stomach. It also heals stomach and intestinal ulcers.” – Dr. John R. Christopher.
Our ancestors have been using it as food and medicine for thousands of years!
Cayenne pepper is excellent for proper digestion as it has Sialagogue properties (stimulates the secretion of saliva) which is needed to begin the digestive process. Cayenne pepper also stimulates the flow of enzyme production, which is essential for our digestive system to work properly. It also stimulates gastric juices that aid the body’s ability to metabolize food and toxins.

Cayenne pepper is a powerful anticoagulant (prevents blood clots), therefore it is effective in preventing heart attacks. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper dilates arteries and blood vessels to clear away clots. Cayenne pepper regulates blood sugar, increases body temperature, stimulates the circulation and increases metabolism. Improves blood flow to the brain, hands, and feet and to the central organs. Lowers high cholesterol.

Common Names:

Capsicum, African Pepper, Chillies, Bird Pepper

Botanical Name:

(Capsicum frutescens L.)

Parts used:

dried fruit. oil (from the seeds).



Key actions: Stimulant, Carminative, Sialagogue (stimulates the secretion of saliva), Diaphoretic (promoting perspiration), Stomachic, Pungent, Astringent, Anti-spasmodic, Anti-septic, Condiment, Anti-rheumatic. Antimicrobial, Antibacterial, Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, Aperitif (encouraging appetite), Anticoagulant, Febrifuge (reducing fever), Nerve Tonic, Digestive,  Rubefacient (Stimulates capillary dilation and action, increases blood flow and causes skin redness. Drawing blood from deeper tissues and organs, thereby relieving congestion and inflammation)

Uses:  Poor circulation. Apoplexy. Migraine headache. Asthma. Alcoholism. Heart trouble and heart attacks. Gas and colic. Indigestion. Malabsorption. High Cholesterol. Fever. Heart Attack. Chronic inflammation. High and low blood pressure. Colds. Congestion. Constipation. Cough. Offensive breath. Tonsillitis. Toothache (oil). Typhoid fever. Ulcers. Vomiting. Arthritis. Fatigue. Inflammation. Kidney and related problems. Rheumatism. Strokes. Muscle pain.

Constituents:  capsaicin, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, flavonoids, fatty acids, sugars, volatile oil, alkaloids, carotene,  capsanthin. vitamin A,C, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9

Growing:  Cayenne is a perennial plant grown in tropical climates. Very easy to grow from a seed. Its fruit – a many-seeded pointy pod comes in various shades of red and yellow. 

Harvest:  Gather the pepper pods when ripe, do not wash. Lay out in the sun until dried. Store as is or grind before storing in an airtight container in a cool and dark space.

Preparations: Cayenne is prepared into decoctions, infusions, ointments, powder, and tincture.
Decoction is rarely used, because some value is lost when cayenne is simmered for any period of time. The most common form of preparation is pouring water over the cayenne and letting it set. The infusion can be used with absolute safety.

Dietary tips:

Cayenne is a versatile spice that can be added to everything from fish to eggs, soups, casseroles, homemade dressing, sauces, dips and seasonings.

How to take Cayenne

The easiest way is to mix 1/4 tsp of ground cayenne pepper in 1/2 cup of lukewarm water and drink it 3 times a day. 

Children Dosage:

  • 6 – 12 months old – 1/10th of an adult dose
  • 1-6 years old – 1/3 adult dose
  • 7-12 years old – 1/2 adult dose

“Cayenne is a remarkably safe herb even though this seems surprising given how painful it can be when applied to delicate tissues. The burning sensation that Cayenne produces is caused by nerve stimulation not by any physical harm to the tissues themselves. The ultimate proof of the truth of this statement is shown by what happens when Pepper spray is used as a weapon against a person. Even though it must feel like their eyes are being utterly burned and blinded there is clearly no actual damage or lasting harm done to these most delicate of tissues.” – Richard Whelan

Too much of anything can be a bad thing however and excess use of Cayenne may cause an overstimulation of the digestive tract. This said we again see the great paradox of Cayenne in that it has been used to treat stomach ulcers (the herb causes a reflex coating over the gut due to the increased secretions which can help the ulcer to heal). It is a very safe herb so long as it used wisely.


    • In human research, cayenne supplementation for five weeks resulted in decreased symptoms associated with indigestion and dyspepsia (Bortolotti M, Coccia G, Grossi G, Miglioli M. The treatment of functional dyspepsia with red pepper. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2002;16:1075-82)
    • Several clinical studies show that topically applying cream containing 0.05% to 0.075% capsaicin, the active constituent in Cayenne, temporarily relieves chronic pain from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, back pain, jaw pain, psoriasis, and neuropathic conditions (Mason L, Moore RA, Derry S, et al. Systematic review of topical capsaicin for the treatment of chronic pain. BMJ 2004;328:991) (Basha, K. M. and Whitehouse, F. W. Capsaicin: a therapeutic option for painful diabetic neuropathy. Henry.Ford.Hosp.Med.J. 1991;39(2):138-140)
    • Cayenne has been shown to interact with a prostaglandin involved in pain transmission called substance ‘P’ and studies have shown that Cayenne decreases pain in patients suffering from nerve pain in their lower backs (Gagnier JJ, van Tulder MW, Berman B, Bombardier C. Herbal medicine for low back pain. A Cochrane review. Spine 2007;32:82-92)
    • Meyer-Bahlburg et al. conducted pilot studies on stimulant effects of Capsicum spices and found it brought about improvements in the ability to concentrate (Meyer-Bahlburg, H. F. Pilot studies on stimulant effects of capsicum spices. Nutr.Metab 1972;14(4):245-254)

Barbara O'Neill "Cayenne pepper and charcoal"

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** Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs that are provided on this site is for educational use only, and is not intended as medical advice. Every attempt has been made for accuracy, but none is guaranteed. Many traditional uses and properties of herbs have not been validated by the FDA. If you have any serious health concerns, you should always check with your health care practitioner before self-administering herbs. **


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