Homemade Cough Syrup
Our first go to cough remedy and also great to give as a preventative in the winter months! The formulation of this Homemade Cough Syrup is not to stimulate the immune system, but rather support it with Vitamin C rich & Nutrient-dense Organic Ingredients.
9 thoughts on “Ground Ivy (Glechoma hederacea) Benefits, uses, facts, recipes & more.”
I am dealing with Oral Lichen Planus ,caused from the new 2 part Shigles shot .( I only took the first shot ) Within less than 2 weeks I noticed great discomfort in my mouth with white Lacey lines inside my cheeks.
Sad to say there is no cure for this condition. It causes canker sores to the lining of the mouth I am now at a year and a half having sores in my mouth consistently. I think only a total of 3 weeks in the 1 1/2 years have I not had a sore .
The body thinks a bacteria is present and fights it Simply put, a comprised immune system.
I have been researching home remedies as a list of prescribed medications have not helped at all. You can
I also have suffered with tenitis for many years .
Planning on giving this herb a big go in hopes to gain relief.
You page is the first one I have found to show ways to dose or drink or administer a home remedy. Thank you for that inside
A. Moore
I just found your site and it is early July. Can I still harvest the ivy for tea now or only when it is flowering in Spring? Thank you.
It is most potent while it’s flowering, yes. as long as there are some flowers on it, you can cut the whole stem off and dry it or use fresh in teas and infusions. I am not aware of if the herb is usable or not after it stops blooming. My guess that it is still great, but It’s just my guess.
Thank you… I just transplanted some into my garden because I thought it pretty and now read it is good for so many things
I am interested in useing it against tinitus… what is the best way ??
Put a couple of tablespoons in a teapot with boiling water and leave to steep overnight. Then pour the ‘tea’ into a glass and drink throughout your day. Might not be the best taste, but you can always add a sweetener such as honey. And if you add licorice it will amplify the ground ivy”s benefits because licorice is a synergist, plus it tastes sweet! win-win! 🙂
Thank you for the above information. However, if you know I am wondering if there is anything unsafe/harmful about Creeping Charlie? How about the leaf oils? Thanks again.
Thank you for your question, Allison! This herb is safe in small medicinal doses. Except for pregnant, trying become pregnalnt and breastfeeding women. Volatile(Essential) oils of Grown Ivy is also safe, but as most oils should be heavily diluted. That said, many herbs and drags can and are harmful in large doses. With herbs though you would need a very large amount to overdose. Most studies that were done on herbs use “exctracts” – a concentrated remedy for their experiments. If you just make teas and infusions you got nothing to worry about. Unless it’s Beladonna or any other highly poisonouse herb! One other way herbs can be harmful comes from the growing conditions, therefore you always have to be careful where you source your herbs! Blessings! Milla.
What a fascinating herb, it does look very familiar. Its wonderful that there is so much detailed Info about the herb and ways to consume it and its many uses as well as the the doses for both adults and little ones. …..how very useful….. ..Thank you milla:)
This makes learning about herbs less difficult and much more interesting.
Thank you! I’m happy that was helpful! 🙂